When you're being a baby

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"Jungkook...?" you said with your morning voice while trying to reach Jungkook with your arm. You rubbed your eyes to clear the view as the sunlight hit your face

"Where is him?" you asked yourself when you realized he was not by your side

"I'm hungry"

"Jungoo!!" you called for him. He was in the kitchen, making food, when he heard your sweet voice calling for him

After a few minutes, he went upstairs to see his little baby who had just woken up
"Good morning, my baby, did you sleep well?"
"Jungkook!" you ran out of bed just to hug him. He chuckled and hugged you back
"I missed you~" you said with a cute voice
"We've just been sleeping, baby"
"I know, but...I missed you"
"You're so cute, y/n" he kissed your nose

"Mhm?" he answered
"I'm hungry~"
"Does my baby need food? Let me feed you then" he picked you up and took you to the kitchen

"Smells good!" you said, trying to see what he made for breakfast
"You want your pancakes with honey and some fruits?" he asked
"Pancakes?? Aww, I love pancakes!". He chuckled a second time this morning, ending up putting honey in you pancakes with some fruit
"Here, princess, eat" he said, putting the plate in front of you

"Are you not gonna eat?" you asked
"I'd rather appreciate my baby than eat" he replied, winking at you. You hid your face as soon as your cheeks started to turn red. He found it cute and kissed your red cheeks
"C'mon, eat. We have to wash you"


After breakfast

Now you were in the bathroom waiting for Jungkook to bring you some clothes

"Here" he said as he give you some of your clothes
"But...I thought you were going to bring me one of your hoodies..." you said with a pout
"You want one of my hoodies? Don't you think they're too big for you?" he frowned his eyes
"No...they are comfortable! Maybe the black one would be the best...". He smiled, knowing how much you love that hoodie
"Okay, wait here". But you grabbed him
"Don't take too long, please~"
"Don't worry, baby, I'll be quick" he kissed your lips

A few seconds later, he already had the hoodie in his hands in front of you
"Was I quick?"
"Now go wash yourself, I'll be downstairs waiting for you". You pouted, thinking he'd stay in the bathroom with you
"I'll be downstairs waiting in the living room, okay? Then we can watch a movie together"
"Okay..." you said with a sad tone
"You know that if I stay here with you while you're getting dressed, we'll take more time than we should". You thought about his words, knowing well what would happen if he stayed here with you
"Okay...I'll miss you!" you said, hugging him
"You can't stay away from me for a few minutes, can you?"
"That's because I love you!"
"I love you too, baby! Now go wash"


In the living room

Jungkook was sitting on the couch, looking for some movie. No film seemed to interest him so he left on a random channel where was playing a movie

"Jungoo, Jungoo!!" you came from nowhere, jumping to his arms
"Hey, babygirl! You smell so good!" he said, leaning his head against your neck
"Thank you...I missed you~". He chuckled
"I missed you too"

"What are you watching?"
"Nothing. I didn't find anything interesting" he sat you straight on his lap to look at you
"What?" you asked, blushing
"You're gorgeous! I like to see you in my clothes"
"Thank you~" you said, smiling

"Mhm...J-Jungkook...change the channel"
"Why?" he looked at the television where a couple was making love
"It's disgusting". He smirked and hovered over you
"But we also do that"
"I know...B-but it's different"
"Let's do it then" he bit his lip. You couldn't answer. Your cheeks were burning! He just looked at you, thinking how innocent you can be sometimes
"You think you can just get in here with a hoodie and some underwear? How am I supposed to control myself?". You still couldn't answer. You were too shy

"How can you be so innocent sometimes?"
"Jungooo!" you whimpered at him to stop
"Shh..." he kissed your lips to shut you up
"Calm down, baby. We save that for tomorrow". He got up and sat you on his lap, cuddling with you


Written on: 15/07/2019

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