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Today you would finally see your boyfriend after his long tour

How you missed him!

You were so excited that you couldn't even sleep

It was already 1am, but you didn't care. You wanted to see him and be present for him when he arrived

Sometimes you would fall asleep on the couch, but you would always wake up because your enthusiasm was too much

Soon, the sound of the house keys were heard. You ran to the door opening it, showing your boyfriend

"Ahhh, Jungoo!!" you hugged him tightly
"Ohh, baby, I missed you so much!" he lifted you up and kissed your lips

Finally he was with you! Finally you could hug him! Kiss him!

He was with you again

He closed the door with his foot and sat on the couch, placing you on his lap. Eyes staring deeply into yours, he kissed you again

He couldn't stop

Neither of you wanted to stop

But he eventually broke the kiss just to stare at you

"Whenever I see you, you become more and more beautiful". You blushed. It seemed like you couldn't look at him. He was so different!

He was hotter, more handsome...
He was stronger, you could feel
His body was so...You didn't even had words for that!

With a man like that, how could you stand being around him?

You were so shy...

"I missed you so much! I can't believe I'm with you again" his lips on your neck made you shiver
"You're so beautiful, baby" he said with his rasoy voice

You couldn't say anything. He was so different! and he seemed to notice that you were a little uncomfortable

"Why don't you talk? Are you okay?"

There you had the courage to answer him

"I'm sorry...it's just...you're so different"

He smirked

"Different? How?"
"H-hotter...and....h-handsome and...you're stronger...and—"
"Shh...It's okay, don't feel uncomfortable for that...I'm still the same JK" he said, between kisses

Suddently, he remembered what time it was. Although he didn't want to stop, he knew you were sleepy

"Baby, do you want to sleep?"
"Noo, I want to stay with you!". He chuckled
"But you have to rest"
"I said no"

He saw that you wouldn't sleep without him, so he thought of a solution

After a while, an idea came up

"Do you want to bath with me?". You looked at him with a red face
"What? Why are you blushing, my love?"

"Let's go?". You nodded slowly
"Hey, baby, don't be uncomfortable, okay? It's normal" he caressed your face
"Mhm?". You nodded again
"I love you" he kissed you
"I love you too". He picked you up and headed to the bathroom

After the bathtub was full, he began to undress

You were staring at him. He was certainly better than before

When he was naked, you turned your face, trying to avoid looking at him. He smirked for the second time
"C'mon, babygirl, it's not the first time you see me naked" he lifted up your chin and kissed your lips
"It's okay...Undress yourself" he caressed your cheek one last time and went into the tub, waiting for you

You undressed yourself and when he looked at you, he could tell you were different as well. 'She's so fucking hot', he thought

Now you were feeling more shy

"It's okay, babygirl. Come here". You got on the tub and placed yourself on his lap, with your back against his chest

Silence filled the air. Only your boyfriend's breath on your neck could be heard. His hands caressing your skin...His lips on you neck...

Everything was perfect

Just being there with him made everything perfect. Neither of you could spend so much time away from each other

Eight months without him!

You never thought you could spend so long without your boyfriend. But you knew that even tho you didn't want to go through it again, it would happen. You just wanted to enjoy as much time as possible with him before he had to leave again

You shivered when he placed his lips on your sweet spot. But none of you broke the silence. The only thing you could do was be in each other's arms, in the bath

That silence made everything different...


He turned you to see you face. Your red face

Looking into your eyes, his lips met yours
"I missed you so much, baby"
"I missed you too, Jungoo". A sweet smile appeared on his face. You looked at him

How he changed!

"I lobe you, Jungoo~" you said sweetly
"Ohh, baby, you're so cute! I love you too, my love" he kissed your neck again, now sucking it

He loves doing that

You shivered more and more and your heart sped up

"Calm down, babygirl. Don't be uncomfortable, okay? I already said I'm the same JK". You looked at him, with cute eyes
"I know...You're just—"
"Yhea, babygirl, I know. It's okay"

You were staring at each other with so much love

"How can you be so beautiful...". You said nothing. You just placed your head on his chest, hearing his heatbeat

His touch on your skin was so soft, making your eyes slowly close. He noticed and carefully rose from the tub with you in his arms, wrapping a towel around both of you. He climbed into bed, approaching you and kissing you one last time before sleep

"I love you, my baby"


Written on: 19/08/2019

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