Hungry baby

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 Today you and Jungkook to go shopping to buy something for both of you. He thought he would stay there just for a few minutes and then go back home but you just couldn't get out from the stores

"Jungoo, Jungoo!!" you called. Jungkook, being the patient man he is, sighed and approached you
"What is it, baby?"
"Look!" you pointed to a loose jacket in front of you
"Isn't it beautiful?". He looked at the jacket and frowned 
"Yhea, but it's for men, darling. Do you want to buy men clothes for you?". You giggled, grabbing the coat and giving it to him
"It's not for me, it's for you"
"For me? And how do you know I like this?"
"Because you like blacl clothes, big sized clothes and comfortable clothes!" you replied, repeating the words he had said in an interview some time ago. He chuckled and pecked your lips
"You're right, you know me too well. But this jacket will stay here". You pouted «, seeing him putting the coat back to its place
"Because I already have a lot of clothes"
"But the jacket is so beautiful...You would look so good in it"
"Baby, we can't buy everything"
"No, baby, I'll not buy the jacket". You didn't listen to him and grabbed the jacket once again
"Y/n, what did I tell you"
"Let me just see how you look in it, please Jungoo~". He looked at your pleading eyes, not able to resist, sighing, taking the garment from your hands

After he put the jacket on, you felt your cheeks turning red
" look so good...". He approached you and pecked your lips  "Thank you, but like I said, this will stay here" he took off the coat and put it back on the hanger
"You're mean" you pouted

He tried to take your hand in his, so you both could get out from the store, but you stepped back, with the idea of having the coat back in you hands

Again, you grabbed the precious thing you wanted to buy but, suddenly, you felt someone picking you up
"Where do you think you're going with that?" again, he placed the coat back on its place and carried you out from the store

"Put me down, Jungkook, I'm not a baby!"
"You're not a baby? You act like one". You sighed and let him take you to the car

When you arrived to the parking lot, Jungkook opened the bak door and placed you in the backseat, closing the door right away
"Why did you put me here?" you asked, with a sad tone
"It's your punishment" he smirked
"Since when I'm punished?"
"Since you beg for it". You decided to stay silent, because you knew he would always have some argument to say

After a while, the hunger started to bother you and it forced you to search for the bags of food you two had bought. The noise you were making while searching for the bags on the baggage started to annoy your boyfriend
"What are you doing?" he asked, not taking his eyes from the road. You didn't reply and continued to search for food
"Where's the food?" you asked, still searching for it
"Why do you want food right now?"
"I'm hungry". He stopped the car at the traffic light and took this opportunity to look at you
"Are you hungry, baby? You just ate in the shopping, right after lunch". You looked at your tummy and pouted
"I know...but I can't control it. I want food"
"Can't you wait till we get home?"

While you were thinking, he started to drive again, diverting his attention back to the road
"How long before we get home?" you asked
"Maybe three minutes"
"That's too much!" you whined
"Hey, baby, what's wrong? Are you sick, my love?". You hugged your knees and buried your face in it
"I need food~"

He was starting to get a little worried to the fact you couldn't stop thinking about food and how you were acting so childish today

"Babe, are you sure you're alright?"
"I just want to eat, Jungoo~"
"Okay, we're almost home"

After some short minutes, he stopped the car in front of your house and got out from the car. You tried to open the door from the backseats, but it was locked
"Jungoo~" you whined. He looked at you, smiling at your cuteness, as your head was pressed on the window while you were begging him to unlock the door. But before he unlocked the door, he opened the baggage to grab the shopping bags, so you wouldn't run to the baggage just to search for food

After he took off all the shopping bags from the baggage, you heard your door being unlocked and you looked at your boyfriend who was now opening the door for you
"C'mon, baby" he said. You got out of the car and made your way towards the front door, waiting for him

Once you two got inside the house, he placed the bags in the counter and approached you, hugging you
"I know you're on that time of the month, so I'll let you eat whatever you want today, okay?"
"How do you know I'm on my period?"
"I know you too well, baby" he kissed your cheek
"But first, let's wear something more comfortable and then we can cuddle and watch something while we eat, okay?". You nodded and you both went upstairs

While Jungkook was busy in the bathroom, you decided to wear his big, black hoodie that was on the bed. You knew he placed the hoodie on the bed because he was going to wear it after leaving the bathroom, but you just couldn't resist. Plus, it was  your favorite hoodie

You undressed yourself and while you were taking of your clothes, Jungkook came out from the bathroom, shirtless, stopping for a moment in the bathroom just to admire the view. You knew he was looking at you but you tried to hide your red cheeks

After wearing the hoodie, you grabbed a new box of pads and tried to enter in the bathroom, but Jungkook didn't move
"Are you ignoring me, sweetheart?"
"Are you sure? Look at me then". You looked at him and blushed even more
"Don't blush, I'm just messing with you" he said, putting a strand of hair behind your ear
"C-can I go to the bathroom, please...". He chuckled
"Of course you can, baby, this is our house"
"But you're blocking the passage..."
"I know"
"So...can you move...please?". He brought his face to yours and smiled
"Kiss me and I let you pass". You gave him a small peck but he didn't move
"That's not a kiss, baby". You looked at him confused but innocently
"Should I teach you what a real kiss is?" he caressed your cheek and pressed his lips into yours. His lips moved slowly with yours, feeling the taste of each other's lips. His tongue entered your mouth, making you suck his tongue

Soon, you felt his hands under your thighs, picking you up. He placed you on his lap as he sat down on the bed, never breaking the kiss. You caressed his naked chest and abs, not able to resist him, while he took off the hoodie you were wearing

Suddenly, everything stopped. You tried to catch your breath as you met Jungkook's eyes. He smiled, breathing heavily as well
"The bathroom is free now". You giggled and got out from his lap

As you were making your way towards the bathroom, you felt a hard slap on your butt, making you gasp
"Next time, ask me whenever you want to wear something mine" he said, giving you back his hoodie
"Don't be sorry, princess. I love seeing you in my clothes, you look adorable" he kissed you one last time and let you go to the bathroom
"I'm waiting for you in the living room"

After a while, you appeared in the living room and ran to your boyfriend, who was sitting in the couch looking for some movie to watch with you while eating some snacks
"Food!" you said, excited. Jungkook noticed your presence and chuckled
"You're such a baby" he grabbed you by your waist and made you sit on his lap while you were happily eating the food yopu two had bought

"Should we watch something?"
"Mhm...Disney films!". He frowned
"Now? Don't you want to watch something else? I mean...that's a little childish"
"But you said I'm a baby, so it's not childish for me". He chuckled and pecked your cheek
"Fine, you win... Let's watch some Disney films". You hugged him and kissed his lips, happily. He smiled at your behavior and, patiently, watched the movies you chose, spending the whole evening watching movies, eating and cuddling with you <3


Written on: 03/09/2019

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