Soft hours

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The sun was beating on the curtains of your room, creating a little brightness in there. You snuggled on your boyfriend's naked chest as you felt the sunlight hitting your face. His chest, moving up and down almost made you fall back to sleep. But Jungkook started to move, wrapping his arms around your waist. His head was resting on your shoulder and now you could feel his soft breath on your skin

You wanted to get out of bed but you saw that he was so sleepy that you let yourself stay. It was already 1 pm but you didn't mind. You knew Jungkook was really tired of yesterday's practice and you also were tired of work. The good thing was it was weekend so you could stay in bed as much as you wanted

Soon, Jungkook's arms left as he moved again. Being your opportunity, you also changed position by turning to him. You looked at his sleepy figure.

His soft skin...his messy hair...his naked chest...

Even sleeping he was perfect!

You sat on the bed with one of your elbows resring on the mattress, supporting your weight, to have a better view of your boyfriend. As there was silence in your room, you could hear your boyfriend's little snores, making you smile. He was sleeping so well that you decided not to wake him up

You got up to close the curtains better so the sunlight would't hit his face, and you went to the bathroom. After you have washed, you went to the kitchen to decide what you would prepare to eat. You didn't want to eat hot food already, since it was time for lunch, so you started preparing breakfast as if you had woken up earlier. You knew Jungkook liked to have breakfast with you, so you didn't eat right away when you finished preparing the food

It was almost 2 pm and he still wasn't up. You knew he was tired but he also needed to eat something so you tried to wake him up

You approached him and looked at him
"Why don't you lay with me a little?" his raspy voice made you shiver
"Mhm? Come lay with me" he said, with his eyes closed
"But it's so late..."
"I don't care, just lay with me a little more". You sighed, knowing you couldn't say no to him
"Five minutes". He hummed in response. You layed on your bed, snuggling to him, as he wrapped his arms around your body
"See how good it feels?". You giggled at his sentence

You stayed like that for more than five minutes. You were almost falling asleep again when you heard his voice
"Are you sleeping again, baby? I thought you said 'five minutes' "
"Mhm...I'm awake" you said, hidding your sleepy face on his chest
"C'mon, let's eat something" he said, picking you up
"Jungoo...I have legs" you said on his lap
"I know. But I like to carry you in my arms" you rolled your eyes but giggled at his response

When you were on the kitchen, he put you down and kissed your nose
"What do you want to eat?" he asked you, opening the fridge
"I already made breakfast for us" you pointed at the table with food
"Aww, you could have waited for me to help you, baby"
"For what? I don't mind to make breakfast for us". He hugged and pecked your lips
"Then, shall we start to eat?". You nodded

After breakfast, Jungkook helped you with the dishes and you both went to the living room
"Do you want to watch something?" you asked him
"Let's just cuddle" he patted his thigh and you sat on his lap. You rested your head on his chest as he did the same
"Are we going to do this all day?" you asked
"Yhea. Sounds good to you?". You smiled, thinking of what he said
"Yes, sounds good to me". He hugged you a little tighter and leaned back

Time went by and sometimes you both would fall asleep and would wake up again

It was 5 pm. Jungkook was awake, admiring you sleeping peacefully on his lap. A smile appeared on his face as he massaged your back. He got up, laying on the couch and kissed your head before leave

It was almost dinner time when you woke up. You felt the smell of hot food coming from the kitchen and immediately made your stomach growl. But you didn't get up for the food but, yes, for your boyfriend. You were sure he was in the kitchen as it smelled food and he was the only one who could have been cooking

When you entered the kitchen, you didn't see your boyfriend in there as you thought you would. You looked around to see if he was in there when, suddently, you felt someone turning you around
"You're awake, princess!". You looked at your boyfriend who was smiling sweetly
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Why would I? You looked like an angel, sleeping on my lap" he said, kissing your lips
"Then let me help you with..."
"No, it's okay. Just sit on the table because dinner is almost ready" he said, cutting you off
"Fine". He put the food on the table, making your eyes widen
"You made all of this by yourself? It looks so good!". He chuckled, seeing you so excited to eat his food
"C'mon, let's eat"

After having such a good dinner made by your boyfriend, you cleaned the kitchen amd went to the bedroom. As it was getting dark, the stars began to appear im the sky, catching your attention. You were looking out the window of your room, enjoying the stars, when your boyfriend appeared behind you
"Today was amazing" said your boyfriend
"We made nothing special" you giggled
"Yes we did. We stayed at home, we cuddled and we slept. You giggled even more of what he said and turned to him, hugging him
"You're so cute" you said
"No more than you" he replied. You broke the hug and looked at him
"So, what are we gonna do tomorrow?". He looked at the air as if he was thinking
"Let's cuddle". You both giggled
"You're really cute~" you said, hugging him again

You spent the rest of the night enjoying the stars until he fell asleep, forcing you to go to bet with him <3


Written on: 05/09/2019

Jungkook - Soft imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now