Back together

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"Miss y/n? Mr. Jeon wants to see her in his office"

I sighed

"Yes, miss"
"Okay...Thank you"
"No problem, miss"

When she left my office, I bent my head back and sighed a second time. Why does he need me again? It's already the fourth time this afternoon he asks his assistant to call me. What will he need now?

Still wondering what he might want again, I decided to get up from my chair and go straight to my boss' office

I got in the elevator and loaded on the floor where his office was

Before the doors could close, a gasping boy entered in the elevator, dropping some papers on the floor
"Do you want help?" I asked, seeing the poor boy kneeling down, trying to pick up his papers in the elevator already closed
"No, it's alr-"
"Let me help you" I knelt down as well and picked up the rest of his papers, handing them to him
"Thank you, miss" he smiled kindly
"No problem" I smiled back

"Are you new here?"
"Yes, I am! And I'll have my interview now, but...I'm a little late...". I could see he was nervous because of it, so I tried to comfort him
"Don't feel nervous about it. People here are really kind and nice and I'm sure they will love you!". He looked at me with big eyes, showing me his cute smile

The elevator opened and we left

"Thank you so much! I'm so excited to start working here! they accept me"
"They will, don't worry! Do you know where your interview will be or do you need my help?". He quickly took a small paper out of his suitcase with number and a few words written on it
"I need to be in this office but I have no idea where it is"
"I'll take you there". He thanked me and we headed towards the office were his interview was taking place

"Thank you for your help! I have no idea what I would do if it wasn't you!". I smiled, seeing him so thankful
"No, it's alright! If you need my help again, just ask me! And good luck, I'm sure they will accept you!"
"Thank you, miss...?"
"Y/n" I said, completing the sentence
"Nice to meet you! I'm Jimim, by the way"
"Jimin...Well, I hope to see you here more often". He smiled
"Thank you". I waved at him and headed to my boss's office, where I was supposed to be fifteen minutes ago

Arriving at his office, I knocked on the door a few times, waiting for an answer
"Yhea" a deep voice came up, giving me goosebumps. I opened the door slowly and walked into the office, standing far away from his desk
"Miss Chun told me you needed me". He was in silence, looking at his computer, but then he diverted his attention to me, a smirk appearing on his face as he looked at me
"Hey, princess! I was ready thingking you wouldn't come". I rolled my eyes and crossed my as, losing my patience
"Just tell me what do you want, Jungkook". He got up from his chair and got closer to me, not takimg his eyes from me. I thought about stepping back, but my latiemce was already exhausted. He kept getting closer, until there was no space between us. He brought his hand to my cheek, caressing it

"What's up, baby? Aren't you happy to see me again?". I tossed his hand away from my cheek and walked away from him
"Jungkook, you just saw me a few minutes ago. Why did you call me here again?"
"Is that a problem wanting to see my girlfriend?" he said, approaching me once again

I sighed

"I'm not your girlfriend, Jungkook...Look, I have work to do and you should stop askimg your assitent to call me every single hour". He grabbed my hads, interlocking our finger before answering me
"Let's not think about work now. I wamt to spemd some time with you before finishing correcting these papers"
"But, Jungk-" before I could finish my sentence, he picked me up and headed towards his chair, sitting on it with me on his lap

"Jungoo...". He chuckled, hearimg me calling him by his niclname
"I haven't heard you calling me that for so long". I felt his head resting on my shoulder as he hugged me tight

I didn't hug him back. The thoughts I had in my head made me afraid of what might happen

I was confused...

I was afraid of falling in love again after what his parents said...

Jungkook amd I fell in love when I joined this company and we started dating. Our relatioship always went well and we rarely had discussions. But his parents never accepted me as his girlfriend...They wanted someone who could help his company to improve since this company belonged to Jungkook's father, but Jungkook refused to do so. This created a tense atmosphere in our relatioship so I decided to break up. It was difficult, but I couldn't handle anymore

I still felt something for him, but I tried my best to avoid him...which was being difficult to do right now

His grip tighted as he noticed that I wasn't hugging him back. His breath, that I was feeling on my neck, became closer to my skin, until I felt his lips pressing against it
"Put your arms around me, y/n". The way his lips moved over my skin made my breathing heavy, but I still didn't do whar he asked

He made little bites os my neck, making it hard for me to contain the sounds he had beem hoping to hear. I was forced to bite my lip to not show that I was enjoying what he was doing, but it was getting harder
"Jungo—" I tried to stop him by pushing his chest, but he grabbed my hands, wrapping my arms around his neck

He stopped kissing my neck and hugged me again. His hand was caressing my back with a soft motion and the office became silent. I let my stay with him for a while before I had to go back to work. His grip was so soft, I didn't want to leave

But something wasn't right...

I kept hearing little sobs as his grip tightened. I broke the hug a little, trying to understand what was going on, but his grip only got even stronger
"Please, baby...don't". I could feel his tears on mt shoulder, breaking my heart
"Baby, please! Just let me stay with you a little more" he didn't want to leave me, his grip was too strong

I never saw him like this...

It was breaking my heart

"Ju—" before I could finish my semtence, he pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked, but he didn't show regret in doing it

I could see his red face and his puffy eyes looking sadly at me. I couldn't handle see him lile this

He brought one of his hands to my neck and let his forehead rest on mine as he let more tears fall while lookong at me. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed
"Baby...don't leave, me, please...Forget what my parents said about us. I love you so much, princess, I miss you so much! Please...stay with me" he cried harder, making me cry as well
"Jungoo...I miss you too and I don't want to leave you! I love you so much, but..."
"But nothing! I don't care what they said about us! I love you and only you, I don't want anyone else, I just want you! Please...let's get back together". My heart melted hearing his words, but was he forgetting what his parents had said?
"But you paren—"
"Baby, please...I already said I don't fucking care about it! I love you and I'm spending the rest of my life with you! You're mine, remember? I just care about you". I couldn't help but cry evwn more
" Shh, baby, it's okay. I love you so much! Promise you'll never listen to what they say about us, okay?". I nodded, wiping my face
"Don't cry, precious. I won't leave you...never!". I pecked his lips and hugged him tight
"I love you, Jungoo"
"I love you too, baby!...Only you" <3


Written on: 22/09/2019

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