When you fall asleep on his lap

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"Baby, I'm home!" said your boyfriend
"Jungoo!" you ran to his arms. He lifted you up and kissed your nose
"I missed you~". He chuckled
"I missed you too, my baby" he went to the living room and sat on the couch with you still in his arms

"How went the rehearsals?"
"A bit tiring, but went well"
"Are you tired? I made you food". He smiled at the thought of your concern about making food at this time of the night just for him
"I know that you don't usually eat at night but I still decided to do it if you were hungry"
"Thank you, my love. You didn't have to do it" he said, kissing your cheek

You were looking down. It seemed like you wanted to say something and he noticed
"What's up, baby?" he asked
"Nothing...". He lifted your chin
"Look at me. You can tell me everything". You sighed and looked at him
"Do you think I can go with you tomorrow?". He looked at you with a confused look
"Why do you want to go with me to the rehearsals?"
"Because...you never took me there". His look softened
"You'll get bored there, princess, and I don't want you to get up that early". You pouted
"Don't look at me like that" he said
"Please, Jungkook-ahh~". He sighed. He also wanted to take you with him but he knew you would get bored there
"Are you sure you want to go with me?"
"Fine. Let's go to bed then" he got up and carried you to the bedroom

Next day

When you woke up, Jungkook was not in bed. You started to think he had left home without you but, suddenly, he appeared in front of you
"Good morning, sweetie! Were you afraid I would have left without you?". You blushed
"I'm kidding with you. Go prepare yourself" he kissed you. You got up and went to do your morning routine

When you finished dressing, you went to the kitchen and found Jungkook eating the food you made for him yesterday
"Is it good?" you asked
"Of course! It was you who made it". You smiled
"I made breakfast for you, baby" he pointed to a plate in front of you
"Oh...you didn't need to"
"Since you're coming with me, I have to make sure you'll go without hunger"
"Thank you, Jungkook-ah" you said

After breakfast, you two left home

When you both got there, the boys were surprised to see you

"You didn't say you were bringing my little sis" said J-Hope
"Hobi!!" you hugged him. Jungkook smiled at you cuteness
"Yes. She said she wanted to come with me"
"Y/n!!" the rest of the members said, excitedely

You all talked for a while until a man called them to start practicing. You saw that Jungkook went to talk with the man and you felt the man looking at you. After that, Jungkook came to you
"Let's go" he said
"Practice room. I'll practice now with the members". You two went there and they started rehearsing

You were enjoying watching them rehearse

After they had rehearsed four choreographies, they went to sit down to rest a little. Jungkook sat next to you
"What did you think?" he asked
"You all are amazing!"
"Thank you, baby" he kissed you
"How long do you have until rehearse again?"
"Maybe twenty minutes"
"Okay..." you yawned
"Are you sleepy?" he asked
"No..." you lied
"Come here" he put you on his lap. You placed your head on his chest and slowly started to fall asleep

Soon, they had to practice again
"Hey, are you ready? We have to go again" said Namjoon
"I can't now, she's sleeping". Namjoon looked at your sleepy figure
"Isn't she beautiful?" Jungkook asked. Namjoom chuckled
"You truly live her, don't you?"
"She's my baby, how can I not love her?" Jungkook looked at you with so much love
"She didn't sleep a lot...Give me just a few minutes. She needs me here" Jungkook begged
"Don't worry. You can admire your sleepy beauty". Jungkook smiled and kissed your face


Writte on: 19/07/2019

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