When he picks you up from school

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"Please, be careful and make a good travel, okay?"
"Don't worry, babe, I will. Now, go to bed because it's already late and you need to sleep"
"Okay. I love you, Jungoo~~"
"I love you too, baby! Sleep well". After that sentence, you hung up and laid down on your bed, smiling

Tomorrow Jungkook eould come visit you and spend the weekend with you after two months without seeing each other

You were very excited for him to arrive tomorroe, but you knew you still had to spend a good long time in school before you could go home and hug him. But, at least, tomorrow was Friday and then you could spend all weekend with him

Smiling at the thought, you got up from bed and went to the bathroom, mumbling some songs before go to bed

After washing your face and your teeth, you got out of the bathroom and grabbed the glass of water that was on the bedside table, drinking it. You climbed to the bed and slipped into the comfy blanket, feeling the soft material warming your body. Your eyes, already tired, started to get heavy and soon you fell asleep


In the morning, you woke up with the sun hitting your face, making you hide your head in the pillow. Your hand searched for your phone on the bedside table, bringing it to you when you found it. Slowly, you turned your head towards your phone, checking the time. It was 07:03 am, which ment you still had a lot of time before classes. Despite that, you decided to get up now to have a calm morning routine and start the day well. You locked your phone and went to the bathroom to take a shower

Before entering the tub, you put on some music as the low sound filled the bathroom. You sang along the music, turning on the water that hit your skin

You stopped tge water, when you finished showering and got out of the tub, wrapping a towel around your body to dry yourself

Already dressed, you went to the kitchen to have breakfast when your phone started to ring. You grabbed your phone and saw the cute boy on the screen that made you smile
"Good morning, Jungoo~~"
"Good morning, baby! Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, I did~ And you?"
"Yhea, I slept a little bit"

You looked at the clock, wondering why he woke up so early if he still had nine hours before the fly

"Why did you woke up so early? Your fly is just at 04:00 pm"
"I know, but I decided to wake up early to see my little baby before she has to leave for school"
"Aww, that's cute~". He chuckled


"Are you going now?" he asked you, seeing you on the screen putting on your shoes
"Yes, but we'll see each other in a couple of hours"
"Can't wait to have you in my arms again". You giggled
"Okay, okay, baby. go then. Have a good day and don't forget to eat well, okay?"
"Don't worry, hust make a good travel"
"I will, baby" and with that, he hung up

After that, you put you phone inside your bag and left house, locking the door

As usual, you waited for your best friend in front of her house to come to drive you to school and, fortunatly, she didn't take so long to get ready like last time

"Ten minutes earlier! Not bad". She giggled at your comment and hugged you
"Let's go?". You nodded and got in her car

Arriving at school, you both entered the the tall building and headed towards your classroom

Classes never seemed to end up for you. You enjoyed the classes you were having, but the time...just seemed longer. Maybe it was because of your enthusiasm to see your boyfriend. Despite that, you still participated in your classes, even though your head was filled with Jungkook

In your last class, before lunch, it was being impossible not glancing at the clock. You were just looking at it, counting the minutes left for your last class to finish

The hands of the clock moved slowly, marking 01:00 pm
"Just five more minutes" you thought to yourself

Soon, the sound of the bell echoed in your ears, making you got up from your seat, all excited. You ran to you best friend, pulling on her arm gently
"Are you ready? Let's go??". She giggled, seeing you so enthusiastic
"Wait, calm down! You still have three hours before he arrives"
"I know, but I'm so excited! I miss him~"
"Aww, I know, y/n! Look, why don't you have lunch with me and the girls? You could distract yourself a little bit"
"Thank you, but I have a lot of work to do before he arrives". She sighed
"Okay, if you say so". You two left school and were heading to her car

"So, do you have plans for the weekend, besides spending your time with your 'Jungoo'?". You though for a moment
"Mhm, maybe. And you?"

Before she could answer, she stopped walking and smilled for a moment
"What is that ile for?" you looked to where her eyes were fixed on and suddenly you felt butterflies in yoyr stomach
"Jungooo~~" you ran to your boyfriend who was staring at you with a smile on his face. You jumped to him and he pucked you up, kissing your cheek
"You're here!" you said, hugging him
"I wanted to come earlier and pick you up from school". You broke the hug and kissed him
" I missed you~"
"I missed you too, pretty baby" he kissed you again and let you stay in his arms for a moment

Momi appeared in front of you two and smiled
"Well, I see you guys are busy so I'll let you enjoy your day alone"
"Thank you, Momo, for keeping your promise" Jungkook said
"You're welcome, it was nothing". You looked at them, confused
"What promise?"
"Well...maybe I knew he was coming earlier to surprise you"
"So...you already knew...he was—"
"Yes, she already knew. Are you that shocked, baby?"
"I thougjt you would come later...I didn't prepare nothing good for lunch". Je chuckled
"Don't worry, baby. I brought food for us. Do you want to noin us?" he asked Momo
"Don't worry with me, judt have your time with your girlfriend. I already have plans, thank you" she waved at you two and headed towards her car

Jungkook drove his attention back to you and kissed you cheek
"Let's go home?". You nodded and he put you down, both getting in his car


At home, you placed your keys in the counter and went to kitchen to prepare the table for lunch

While you were trying to reach the plates on the shelf, you felt your boyfriend behind you, putting the plates back on its place. Confused, you tried to turn to him but he wrapped his arms around you
"We don't need plates. I brought ramen" he kissed your shoulder, before leave you, and headed towards the couch, putting the food in the table in front of it

"C'mon, let's eat". You sat on the couch, next to him, and started to eat
"Is it good?" he asked you, after you put some of the food in your mouth. You nodded
"Good, cause if you said no, I would be sad". You giggled at his sentence
"You're a baby~". He placed his ramen on the table and brought his hand to your face, cleaning your lips that had some sauce on it
"No...You're the baby here" he said, placing little kisses on you fave, cuddling with you the rest of the evening <3


Written on: 12/10/2019

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