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Light rain beat on your bedroom window that morning. You were laying with your boyfriend in bed sleeping while he was enjoying your cute figure beside him. He was lookomg to all the features of your face and how your body shrank from the cold that morning. You were shivering and he seemed to notice. Carefully, he pulled you closer to him, adjusting the blanket so you wouldn't feel cold. Your body quickly reacted by placing your head on his chest, curling into his warm body. He smiled as he felt your naked body in contact with his, reminding him from last night

The night you became his

Something he always had calm and patience with until you were ready

He kept looking at you, approaching one hand to you, caressing your face. You moved delicately as you felt his hand on your face. Slowly opening your eyes, you found your boyfriend smiling sweetly at you. He approached you, kissing you on the forehead, still caressing your face
"Good morning, little thing"
"Mhm, morning~" you rub your eyes, trying to get used to the rainy morning light

Once used to the light,you looked at Jungkook who was staring at you with a small smile on his face. You giggled, seeing his sleepy face and his messy hair that fell into his eyes
"Why are you giggling?" he asked, ended up giggling with you
"Nothing? Mhm...I don't think you're telling the truth"

After his sentence, you arouse a little until your lips touched his ones, making him smirk
"Do it again" he said, grabbing your chin with one of his hands as soon as you broke the kiss. You did what he said, closing your eyes, and felt your lips making contact with his again. His hand slid behind your ear, deepening the kiss. He bit your bottom lip to signal you to open your mouth so he could slide his tongue inside. Your tongues moved with each other, making you breathe heavely

You crawled into his lap, getting a groan from me. He grabbed your hips, pulling you up of his lap. He bit your bottom lip one last time before looking at you with lustful eyes
"You better not risk putting yourself on my lap". You looled under the sheets, getring a view of your boyfriend's naked body, reminding you of last night. You bit your lip, looking back at him. He gently caressed the spot where you bit your lips, kissing it
"C'mon, let's take a shower" he kissed your lips before getting up and headed to the bathroom. You got up too amd picked up Jungkook's shirt, which was on the floor from last night, dressing it. Your legs hurted because of him, forcing you to walk slowly tonthe bathroom

"Hey, babe, why are you taking so lon—" he looled at your sore figure and sighed
"C'mon" he picked you up amd walked to the bathroom, closing the door with his foot. He put you im the shower and unbuttoned the shirt you had just dressed. Your cheeks turned to a reddish color, drawing Jungkook's attention
"What is that face for, baby?". You didn't answer and just looked at him, who was getting in the shower. He approached you, pushing you gently to the wall
"There's nothing new that I haven't seen before" he said, kissing your neck. You out your hands on either sides of his face, bringing him to you
"I know" you said between kisses.

He turned on the shower, letting the hot water run through your bodies. He kissed your neck while his hands moved on to your legs,  squeezing them, signaling you to jump. You jumped and wrapped your legs around him. He placed his lips in your ear, whispering sweet things to you
"I want to feel your tasty lips again". You blushed and looked at him with desire in your eyes. He brought his face closer to yours, making your lips almost touch. You could feel his breath against you but he didn't kiss you, making impatient
"Junglook...kiss me" you said, almost in a whisper. Right after he heard that, he grabbed your leg with one hand and your neck with the other, kissing you a little more roughtly

After a make out session in the shower, you two came out of the bathroom and put on something warm to go have breakfast

"Do you think you can walk?" Jungkook asked you before going to the kitchen
"Yes, don't worry" as soon as you said that, you almost fell because of the pain in your legs, causing your boyfriend to grab you righ away
"C'mon, baby, I carry you there"
"Not, it's o—". He didn't let you finish your sentence , picking you up amd carrying you to the kitchen

When you got to the kitchen, he pit you down and kissed your nose
"What will you want for breakfast?" he asked
"Anything" you replied. He opemed the fridge and pulled out a small box of strawberries, placing it in the counter. He opened the box, pulling a strawberry out of it
"Eat it" he said, holding the strawberry in front of you. He dodged his hand when you tried to grab the strawberry
"Let me feed you this strawberry". You blushed, not liking when people look at you while you're eating
"C'mon, baby, open up"
"But...I can eat by myse—" you were interrupted by him kissing your lips sweetly

While you were lost in the kiss, he replaved his lips with the strawberry, forcing you to eat it
"Is it good?" he whispered in your ear. You didn't answer and just kissed him as well, later replacing your lips with a strawberry
"How is it?" you asked. He ate it and licked his lips
"It's sweet...just like you" he whinked at you. You felt your cheeks burning as he approached you
"I already have my breakfast here in fron of me" his deep, raspy voice made you shiver. He placed his hands on your waist, bringing you closer to him, whispering seductively in your ear
"Isn't it true, my strawberry?" he licked your ear till he reached your lips
"I'll eat it now" he pressed his body in yours, trying to reach the little box he took off of the fridge and walked to the kitchen table, leaving you there dumbfounded. He chuckled, seeing you so confused in the middle of the kitchen trying to understand his words

"Don't worry, baby. I'll have you as my dinner"



Written on: 21/09/2019

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