35. Who do you keep lookin' at? (4)

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4. Contention

The silver letterbox rattled as Celia slammed her front door shut. She immediately unclamped her sore hands from the string bags wrapped around her joints and they fell to the floorboards with a thud. Celia flexed her fingers free from their strain and then tilted her head back against the door, sighing in relief. A puddle had already formed at her feet from the torrential downpour which had plastered her school clothes to her cold, damp skin.

Celia caught sight of her burgundy umbrella leaning against the shoe rack, and she frowned down at it as though the inanimate object would be able to sense her frustration. She'd been in such a rush this morning that she'd forgotten to bring it with her and there it sat mocking her with its dryness. Celia could still hear the heavy rain outside the door, its rhymic pattern beating against the small windowpane beside her. Now she was sheltered inside the warmth of her home, the sound of it was calming. Almost like a soothing lullaby to massage her mind from the day's anguish within it.

A sweet meow, sounded from across the entrance hall and Lily, Celia's Persian ball of fluff, was perched on her paws beside the staircase. Her bushy, white tail was poised in the air and she slowly swished it against the bannister, studying Celia with her majestic blue eyes. Celia called to Lily through her pursed lips and the cute feline instantly padded over to her owner, but stopped when she noticed the pool of water below Celia's shoes.

Celia stepped out of the puddle and crouched down, extending a welcoming arm towards the wary cat. She rubbed her fingers together as bait and Lily began walking towards Celia again, her gait
more cautious this time. Water was Lily's nemesis. Bathing her was never effortless and Celia had the scratches on her forearms to prove it. Still, Lily longed for the familiar comfort of Celia's massaging fingers, and so the cat nuzzled her soft head into Celia's hand, purring fondly as she did so.

"It's good to see you too, smushy pumpkin," Celia said, smiling down at her cat. Lily's eyes were closed and she was purring loudly now. She seemed to be tranquillised in a state of total bliss as Celia scratched away at her favourite spot, just below the base of her ears.

"Fancy lending me your pretty fur to dry off with, Lil?"

Lily opened her eyes as if she understood Celia's horrific request and meowed at her in protest.
"No? Oh, alright then." Celia laughed and kissed the top of Lily's head. In gratitude, the cat purred and wrapped itself around Celia's legs, the end of her furry tail tickling Celia's kneecap.

A delicious aroma wafted into the hallway. Hot, sweet and savoury. Celia started salivating as she inhaled the flavoursome scent of caramelised onions and spiced red meat. It stirred up her appetite, despite the chocolate milkshake digesting inside of her.

"Mum's cooking always smells good," Celia muttered to herself and her stomach rumbled in agreement. She removed her satchel from around her shoulder and kicked off her school shoes, not bothering to stick them neatly onto the rack next to her brother's own. Celia picked up the shopping bags and the canned goods rattled against each other as she hefted them up into the crooks of her arms. It had been a chore carrying those bags all the way from town. All the seats on the bus ride home were occupied. An old man with chin whiskers kindly offered up his seat, but Celia politely declined, feeling quite sorry for the gentleman after she noticed his crooked leg and cane. She stood, instead, with the bags cooped in her arms, trying to keep her expression neutral as to not show the pensioner her pain. Her mother had requested far too many items on that shopping list of hers. Too many that Celia could carry with ease. It felt like hauling two heavy sandbags, and what with that strenuous game of benchball earlier, Celia knew she'd feel the aching pull of her muscles tomorrow morning. She huffed and followed the sound of her brother's harmonic humming and walked towards the dining room, leaving Lily to curiously sniff the inside of her damp loafers.

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