5. Who's the new girl, then? (2)

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January 1957


"She's got a nice set of pegs on her," John grinned, eyeing Celia up and down.

"Yeah, she has," Eric agreed. He eyed her too but not as hungrily as John did- who seemed to be looking at her like she was some sort of cake he couldn't wait to take a bite out of.

"You know, she's a geek and a goody-two-shoes," added Eric."Right prim and proper."

"Well, she doesn't look it," he replied, inattentively licking his bottom lip.

John gawked at her again. God, she did look a bit like Bardot. Same mouth, same hair, same eyes, though Bardot's were a little bigger.

"I wouldn't get too eager, Lad. Think she's going out with that James Marsh."

"Who's that?" John turned to look at Eric.

"Christ, don't you know anyone? That la' in form B, he's always hangin' round with her."

"How'd you know?"

Eric shrugged. "Saw them over Christmas a couple of times when they came round Penny's. He's a snob if you ask me."

"And her?" John asked, looking back over at Bardot.

She must think highly of herself too if she's with that James fella, John thought. Snobs are the worst kind. Especially those ones that think they're better than everyone else because they were wealthier or had a better upbringing or a talent they believed to be prestigious. John would shit all over those people if he could. Have them all sent to the stocks.

"I'm surprised you haven't met her," Eric replied, ignoring John's question. "You not seen her in your art class?"

John shook his head. So she believed herself an artist too, eh?

"I'll have to keep an eye out," John smirked.

Just then, the umpire blew the whistle to signify the end of the game.

"Thank fuck for that," Eric sighed.

"I dunno, I quite enjoyed it," John grinned.

Eric gave him a disapproving look through his tightly knitted brows.

"Keep it in your pants, eh?"

"I don't know what you're talkin' about," John replied with faux innocence.

"I'm blimmin' soaked to the bone here!" Eric exclaimed, squeezing the water from his thin jacket.

"Quit yer moaning, kid, your lass is coming."

The girls bundled across the field, looking filthy, sweaty and defeated. That didn't stop John from saying anything though. He started clapping, each one loud and exaggerated.

"Nice game, ladies. You've done our country proud." Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

"Are you taking the piss, Lennon? We lost," huffed Penny, glaring at John. Actually, most of the girls were glaring at him.

"What, even with her on yer team?"  he smirked, nodding towards Celia.

She was definitely the best player and best looking one out of the lot of them too. The girls turned to look at Celia and John watched as a blush seared through her cheeks.

"Are you calling the rest of us crap?" scowled another girl, leaning on her hockey stick.

"Well, that's what you call losers ain't it?" John grinned. "Crap."

The girls started muttering and scowling at him with their daggering stares but it only made John laugh- he thrived on antagonising people.

Everyone but Penny turned their back on the two boys and made their way towards the school building.

"If you're not careful, Lennon, this stick is gonna end up your arse," Penny jested, lifting her hockey stick as she walked into Eric's open arms. Eric was quick to kiss her forehead, and Penny nuzzled her face into his neck. John wanted to be sick.

"I'd like to see you try," replied John, wrinkling his nose at Eric who was now planting kisses on Penny's wet hair. Give it a rest, lad.

"We bloody will! Ain't that right, Ce?" Penny shouted.

Celia turned around. "What?" she shouted back.

"We'll batter John with our hockey sticks if he continues to insult us."

"Yeah..that's right," said Celia, tapping the head of the hockey stick against her open palm.

"Ah, yous wouldn't dare," John laughed, loving every minute of the taunting.

"Don't tempt us," Celia responded, repressing a smile through her pursed lips. She turned back around with a lingering gaze on John.

Well, John was damn well tempted by her, that's for sure.

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