26. I have something for you

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Celia yanked open the door to the headteacher's waiting room and stormed out into the corridor. John shut the door behind them.

"Oh, please, sir!" John mocked Celia's prior desperation, his voice whiney and helpless. "I'll do anythin', sir! I'll suck yer cock if it helps, sir!"

A first-year carrying a class register gave John an odd look as she walked past.

Celia spun around. "You're revolting." She hobbled up to John, fists balled by her side. "Why does everything that comes out of your mouth have to be so revolting?"

"Why does everythin' that comes out of yours have to be so pathetic? 'yes sir, sorry sir, any day but Friday, sir.' "

Celia glared up at John, now standing in front of him. "I do not sound like that."

"Yeh, you do; it's embarassin'."

John thought Mr Taylor had been bluffing when he said he was going to keep an eye on the two of them last week. The busy headmaster very rarely kept himself updated with the detention diary. Usually, he'd hand the sheets straight over to Molly the mole, and she'd file them, and that was the end of it. This time though, he'd kept a close eye on it and found out that John and Celia had meddled with the diary and skived off their lunchtime detentions.

The pair of them had sat side by side on the chairs in front of Taylor's desk. She'd been overly anxious— John knew that because the girl had a habit of smoothing out non-existent creases in her skirt. At first, Mr Taylor didn't say anything; he just stared at them long and hard for a good few minutes. His fixation had been so intense that Celia couldn't hold his gaze; John, on the other hand, wasn't easily intimidated by the wrinkly coot; he stared straight back.

'Think you're both clever, do you?' Taylor had asked, eyes averting from Celia to John.

John knew they were both in for a bollocking and presumably more punishment; a little backchat wouldn't change anything, and so John had smiled and said, 'Yes sir, thanks for noticing.'

That was enough to set Taylor off. Up went the old man, down came the cane.

Now, John was laughing at Celia's funny walk down the corridor. She was walking on the balls of her feet as if moving like that would take away the pain from her redraw calves. God, that girl really does have sexy legs, though.

"Yeah, laugh away, John," Celia said flatly. "I don't know what's so funny; you've got detention too in case you hadn't noticed, and it's all your fault."

"My fault?" It was her doing just as much as it was his. John tried to catch up with Celia. His calves were stinging from the cane too, but he didn't want to show it.

"Yes," Celia hissed, coming to an abrupt stop in front of John. She poked her finger near his chest but didn't touch him. "You were the one who made me erase my name out of that stupid black book."

John took a step closer towards Celia. "I didn't make you do anythin."

"You pushed me into that room."

"Yeah, and I didn't see you put up a fuckin' fight though, did I? If you really didn't wanna do it, you wouldn't of. And if I remember correctly, you told me to keep guard, Pooley."

John gave her a dirty look and carried on walking. He had no idea where he was supposed to be. What was his next lesson? Hopefully one that didn't have her in it. That girl was bloody aggravating and persistent.

"Yeah and a crap guard you were too," Celia shouted out to him. "Look where it got us."

Three lashes across the leg and a week's worth of after school detention is where it got them.

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