18. Don't take the piss (2)

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Celia wasn't sure if she was in the mood to laugh, cry or smash a bottle over someone's head.

James and Diana had done a runner. Penny was nowhere to be seen, and now she'd just missed the bus and had to wait forty-five minutes for the next one. There were no cabbies around, not that Celia had enough cash to get one anyway. God forbid her parents found out that she spent the evening drinking at a pub; she'd be dead before morning. Asking her father to pick her up wasn't even an option.

Celia dragged her Mary-Janes along the pavement, making her way back to The Dukes. The last thing she wanted to do was step inside that pub again, but she wasn't about to sit and freeze her arse off at the bus stop. A cigarette would warm her up, and she desperately craved one. At least if she went back inside she could try and find Penny, she'd surely have a ciggy on her. That's if she hadn't pissed off and done a runner too.

Celia thanked the warmth of James' coat but remembering that he buggered off without her made her want to rip it off, throw it on the ground and decorate it with some nice, dirty footprints. Some bloody friend he was. How could they both leave without her? More to the point, why would they leave without her? No, if she thought about it again, it would only start her off, and she'd only just calmed down. If angry crying while venting to strangers hadn't sobered her up from her tipsy-state than walking to and from the bus stop certainly had. Now, Celia was just cold, miserable, and without a companion.

Outside the pub, a bottle smashed onto the ground which stirred a load of drunken cheers and an eye roll from Celia. She wasn't in the mood for merriment and mirth. For a second Celia considered turning back around, but she caught sight of Eric. He stood talking to John, both their backs facing her. They'd know where Penny is, surely. Celia made her way over to them, and just as she was about to tap Eric's shoulder, she stopped.

"Na, she looks like a dog," Eric said to John, cig hanging out of his mouth.

Celia's stomach flipped. She thought he'd been referring to Penny, but following his gaze, she realised the two boys were eyeing up three women standing on the opposite side of the road. They were busy chatting amongst themselves, unaware of the two teenagers crudely scrutinising them.

"Yeah, well you have a thing for bitches, don't ya, son?" John replied, elbowing Eric. Eric swore at him, and John giggled when Eric nudged him back.

"Eh, what about 'er, then?" John asked, tilting his bottle over at a tall brunette. "Big tits, legs up to 'er armpits."

Eric shrugged. "She's good lookin', but she kinda looks like a man."

"Yeah but the face doesn't matter, lad; not when the rest of her makes up for it. She's got a good handful to grab onto while yer hammer the nail from behind. That's all that matters, in't it?"

"I suppose so."

Celia's skin crawled. How did they have the nerve to talk about women like that? Especially Eric, who was supposed to be loved up with her best friend. The lack of respect was disgusting, and Celia wasn't gonna shy away from letting the pair of them know it, either.

"I can't believe the audacity of you two."

Both boys turned at the same time to find Celia grimacing up at them. Eric's face dropped when he realised Penny's friend had been listening in on their conversation.

"Did yer mother never tell ya it's rude to eavesdrop?" John asked, casually taking a sip of his beer.

"What's rude is the way you talk about girls."

"Oh, here we go."

"No, don't 'here we go' me. It's absolutely revolting!" Celia criticised. "And you," she turned to Eric and sharply pointed her finger at him. "Well, I can't believe you! Imagine if Penny heard you speakin' like that."

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