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Fudou left in a hurry. Tears was slowly forming from his green, jade eyes. He regretted saying what he have said to the pianist who was left in despair.

He really was an idiot.

He got to the bus stop and tried to calm himself down because of all the strangers. The feeling of strangers looking at him was a complete madness he didn't want to be feeling right now.

Few stops have passed and he got home safely.

"Welcome back, Aki—" his mother greeted but Fudou was left dashing to his room.

'What's wrong with him? I'll give him his dinner and maybe comfort him later,'

Fudou opened the door to his room and slammed it. He was in such mixed of emotions that couldn't be describe. Whether it was sadness, fear or anything but there was not a single drop of happiness in glimpse.

"Why did I say that? I liked him, right? I'm in such mixed emo-otions, I-I cant even talk," tears started falling as he said that in such gloom.

He then throw himself onto the bed, sobbing silently as his tears falling down like snowflakes. Cussing softly onto his pillow since his pillow is the only one who listens to him.

A knock was heard from his room.

"Come in.." the boy in tears said.

"Akio, are you alright?" His mother came in with his dinner in her hands.


"Dear, whats wrong?"


"Don't tell me that, I'm serious, what happened?"

"I-I don't know," tears was slowly falling again but this time with slight anger in his voice.

"Relax and take deep breaths, now explain it to me slowly,"

The brunette explained everything of what has happened to his mother who was listening with all ears.

"Maybe you should apologize to him," advices his mother and the brunette has finally calmed down.

"How can I do such stupid thing?"

"Well just think about it, do you want him to suffer because of you? Feels horrible isn't?"

"It does.."

"Then you should apologize to him,"

Fudou nods since he couldn't say anything back. He waited for a while to fully calm down from all his feelings.

He feels like shit because of what he did so he texted Sakuma asking where's the boy whom he left heartbroken's address.

When Sakuma told him it was in xxx. He took a short and quick bath. Got up ready to dress up and was preparing himself mentally.

The good thing is his house was suprising just a 7 minute walk. Which Fudou totally needed since he take walks to usually calm himself down other than dancing.

The dancer didn't tell his grandmother or mother about him leaving the house. He knows that he'll get scolded anyways. Fudou started jogging and sooner or later as he got closer he started to sprint.

But of course, it started to rain. It really feels like a very dramatic romantic movie.

The brunette finally made it infront of the pianist's door. Fudou hesitated to ring the bell but he did it otherwise. I mean he came all the way to Kidou's house and he's not a coward to just run away for the second time.

One Dance for One Night [kidou x fudou] | Inazuma ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now