𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

105 11 16

3rd Person's POV

After the party has ended. Both boys were seen in the library near the school since school was about to close at 4pm.

Also for more information, Sakuma and Genda also confessed before they went have a date in the party. Shinobu and Haruna are still trying to convey their feelings and the two boys who danced beautifully are now happy.

Both parents have accepted the fates of their children though Kidou's parents were still unsure about it but either way they try to accept it now.

The dancer and the pianist both opened up to each other more and more now that they are dating. They would usually have study dates and practice dates since school work is a pain and Teikoku is strict so the amount of school work there is is a lot.

Dance practice dates were the best for Fudou since it isn't that boring and seeing his boyfriend play the piano makes him so whipped. And the pianist also feels the same way when the brunette dances strongly to the music.

So sometimes the two would practice together in Kidou's house. Fudou dances while Kidou would play the music through the piano. Sometimes Haruna would join the chaos as a rapper since she raps when she's bored.

The two were studying together in the library doing their biology work they had.

"Fuck, what's mitochondria again?" The dancer asked.

"The power house of the cell, you idiot,"

"I'm your idiot," as he stares mischievously to Kidou, whom was dead-panning.

The goggles boy sighs, "stop it and just study,"

"Fine but do you know why you are like cholesterol?"

"Ugh, why?" The boy asked if not Fudou will keep annoying him.

"You're too dangerous for my heart," he flirts to the boy in front of him.

The flirt did flatter the other but still had no effect since the other wants to study.

"You aren't gonna do your work are you?" The pianist asked.


"Then lets just do this later if you're going to be a bitch like this,"

"Biology is too boring, okay? Can't help it,"

They both decided to go out from the library and have takoyaki for a snack since they've been studying for the past hour.

Kidou and Fudou decided to talk a small walk. The two talked a lot about random things that comes to mind as the sun begins to set.

Both looked at each other those heart eyes as the other looked amazing under the light from the sky. How whipped and fools they are.

"I've always wondered, how'd you fall for me?" The dancer asked playfully.

"Huh? Why so sudden?" Kidou trying to dodged the question from the brunette who was smirking.

"Just answer, dammit,"

He sighed knowing Fudou won't shut up about this unless he scolds him but he isn't that mean,

"When I saw you danced, the door was slightly opened and I kinda peaked you,"

"You stalker,"

"Am not,"

"What a coincidence though, I fell when I saw you play the piano,"

"When you gave me the bento, huh? How cute and nice of you,"

"Shut up," as he turns slightly red, "forget it, I was just worried,"

"Don't be such a tsundere, Fudou,"

"I will punch you in the face till you can't speak again," his ears were burning as Kidou smirks.

"Okay okay, no need to get so violent,"

"That was all your fault," he sighs, "but I also thought of this,"

"What now?" He asked knowing its going to be another dumb question of his.

"When me and Shinobu were talking a lot then,"


"Were you.. jealous?"

"What?" He was shocked that Fudou said that, "no, I wasn't," knowing he can't lie well.

"You're a horrible liar, damn you were jealous of me and her,"

"Whatever," the pianist rolls his eyes. Kidou isn't the best at hiding his jealousy so it was obivious to the brunette during that time so he kept playing with him.

"Wow, the pianist is jealous of me, how sweet,"

"And if I were what's wrong with that?" As he pinned Fudou to the wall nearby and the other gasped as a response.

"E-eh, nothing," the dancer turning red as a tomato.

"Should have known," as he unpins the other from the wall with a pleased smirk, "its going dark soon, I'll text you tommorrow to study again,"

"Again? Seriously?" The dancer said annoyed.

"I'm not going on a date with you again if not,"

"Fine fine, you win," he puts his hands up in defeat.

The two went back home safely and yes, Fudou showed up the next day tired as hell from practice and school in general.

They both studied for the upcoming biology test as Fudou tries desperately to flirt with the other but failed as Kidou flirt back and sent the brunette to the land of embarrassment.

Also they went to Kidou's house for practice as well. The dancer cooked up some delicious almond tofu with smelled amazing. The male with dreadlocks was in an awe of how delicate the food is.

It ended with the two male sleeping since the next day was weekends or you could say having a sleepover. The brunette didn't brought his clothes again so Kidou lend him some.

He lended him the more oversized ones that would look cute on the other which Fudou complained about. Knowing his tactics about what was to happen but in the end, he wore it instead of being naked. (Which Kidou would lik—)

Both slept with ease in each other's company as the night goes deeper, the skies were as pretty as ever. Kidou couldn't sleep so he was awake then the other woke up as he heard a window creaking.

They went outside and stargazed together. It ended up with the two of them stargazing as the brunette tried to not fall back to sleep but failed as he fell asleep on Kidou's lap.

The male with ruby eyes kissed him on the forehead once he was fully asleep as the other kept on stargazing due to his insomnia. Sooner or later he fell asleep as well.

Note: Was bored when I did this. Also tsundere!Fudou supremacy. Since I see a lot of tsundere!Kidou but not much of Fudou so yeah.

I would do smut if I can but I can't since I'm not comfortable yet. If I could I would do it because bottom!Fudou is just top tier. Of course they'll be 18+ if I do write one.

Anyways thanks for reading the entire story until here! Tysm for the support. Also I headcanon Fudou shorter although in canon I think he's taller but whatever. Adios everyone, thanks for everything!

One Dance for One Night [kidou x fudou] | Inazuma ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now