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My mum apparates us directly into Diagon Alley to do our shopping and as we land I forgot how much I've grown.

We apparate all the time, but the last time we did this I was 10 and hadn't hit a growth spurt yet. I've grown a foot since then and now, as we land, I wobble, my long legs trying to stabilize my body, and fall.

Stupid bloody long limbs.

I help myself up, dusting off my robes. I hope none of my future school mates saw that.

Oh who am I kidding, everyone saw that. That's okay. They can make fun of me.

I've never been necessarily the 'popular' kid. I mean I have heaps of friends, and I'm known as the funny kid at my muggle elementary, my mum wanted me to go, but I've never been 'popular'. So why should I start caring about popularity now that I'm being sent off to Hogwarts?

I would like to join 'muggle studies' so that I can practice muggle music while I'm at Hogwarts. I play the french horn and the trumpet.

I've been looking forward to hogwarts for a long time, but I will definitely miss my muggle school mates.

I wonder what house I'll make, maybe ravenclaw. That'd be fun. I'm not very smart but I'm very creative.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and snap out of my trance. "Keith! Come on. We have so much to do today."

I nod, following my mother to our first destination, a book shop, as my dad pops off to 'take care of some business'.

Wonder what he's doing.

I grab the 4 books I'll need for basic studies, and my mum grabs about 5 others for 'further studies'.

She thinks I'm gonna read all those? Ha. Very funny.

She gabs off about non sense however I'm not listening. I'm more preoccupied on where my dad 'popped off' to. Well, more so if it has anything to do with me.

Is it bad that I'm kind of expecting him to come back with something for me? I mean, I am about to start a new school.

I hope Hogwarts has fried chicken.

My mum drags me into a potion store next, as she wants me to advance in potions like my father did.

She grabs me a couple of items that are found in most potions, and I look at all the cool 'murdery-y' looking things.

I wouldn't ever murder someone. But these things look awesome.

Next we meet up with my father, who, as I expected, shows up with a small kitten.

I bloody love cats.

I immediately collapse to my knees in front of the cat carrier and start talking in my baby voice to it.

"Merlin! Look at you! Oh you're so cute, yes you are!"

My dad pulls me up "Keith, let's go get your wand."

He hands me the cat, and I can't help but gush down at it. Merlin I love cats.

The wand store is creepy and mysterious, I've never been in here before. My other three siblings have been here but not me.

I've been to diagon alley loads of times of course. I come here every year with my siblings. But never have I been in Ollivanders. It just looks all dark and scary.

A creepy, old, hunched over bloke comes around from the back "Ah. Keith. Yes I've been waiting for you. Your father," he nods at my dad "is a brilliant wizard. I remember giving both him and your mum their wands."

I gulp, twiddling with my cats carrier.

"Well come up now. We don't have all day, do we? Let's get you your wand!" he says, excitement lacing his voice.

He hands me a Hawthorne wood with dragon heartstring core and I immediately feel it's magic radiate through me.

This is the one. I don't know how, or why the first one he gave me would be, but I immediately know this is the one.

I think of a spell, any spell, and the first one that comes to mind is lumos. Suddenly my wand lights up. Did I just do wordless magic?

Ollivander beams at me, "Yes yes. Brilliant like your father. His first spell was wordless as well. I'm thrilled to see how you'll do, Keith."

I nod, smiling wide, ear to ear. I have my wand. Woah. And I have a bloody cat!

All my other siblings got owls for their pets, I'm glad my father decided on a cat for me.

As we leave the store my older siblings meet us in front of the broom shop, my oldest brother with a huge smile plastered on his face, newest broomstick in hand.

"Where'd you get that!" my mother ask. Oh shit. He wasn't given permission.

"I saved up mum! None of your money. Promise."

"How! You just 'saved up' for a muggle music box!"

"Ok. Well. I borrowed some money from auntie. She said it's alright!" my mum glares daggers at him, and all the people near us are staring at the Habersberger family outbreak.

My dad grabs mum's shoulder, pretending he's kissing her cheek but whispering "Not. Here." And then he grabs my hand and apparates us out of diagon alley.

When we land at our home I immediately dart up to my room, cat in one hand, wand in the other, and start laughing. My brothers in deep shit.

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