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Ned and I exit the train together, Keith following behind, and Eugene about 3 groups of students behind us.

Ned and I are chatting about what house we'll make. Of course I have no idea about the different houses, being muggle born, I still can't believe this is real. Like maybe it's a dream?

But any who, I'm hoping for Gryffindor because that's what Ned is hoping for, and I would like to be housed with him.

Keith reckons he'll get Ravenclaw because he's creative, Eugene didn't talk much so I'm not exactly sure what he's hoping for. Ned says his dad was in Slytherin so I bet he's wishing for that.

Apparently most of the houses are passed down through generations, Ned's family has always been Gryffindor.

I know Hufflepuff's are supposed to be really nice and caring, which matches me, I guess. Gryffindor's are really brave and usually make a pretty good life for themselves, I'm not very brave though. Ravenclaw's are very smart and creative, which isn't me at all. And Slytherin's, according to Ned, are cunning and typically mean. So I'm not Slytheirn at all.

As me and all the other first years begin walking on the train platform I suddenly see a giant man, like, giant giant, honestly so intimidating.

"First years!" he glances at me, large smile on his face "follow me!"

I quickly grab Ned's arm "I've never seen a man this big!" my eyes are huge, a little scared of where this large man will take us.

Ned just smiles "It's Hagrid. He's half giant!"

GIANTS ARE REAL?! I think to myself.

God this whole wizarding world just makes everything I learned in my childhood complete and utter rubbish.

We follow the giant, Hagrid, to the water in front of the castle. The castle is so incredibly gorgeous. I'm so lucky to be here.

"Alrigh' now, four to a bout. On you go." he gestures to the many boats that will presumably take us to the castle.

Me, Ned, and Keith immediately grab a boat. I temporarily forgot about Eugene and scan the crowd for him. Once I've spotted him I jump out of our boat and drag him to sit with us.

Eugene flenches when I grab his wrist, okay so he's not big on physical touch, noted.

"C'mon" I smile at him, gently letting go of his wrist "Join us on our boat!"

Eugene just nods, following me to the boat where Ned and Keith are seated.

Ned smiles at him, and Keith just nods.

I sit beside Eugene on the way to the castle. Both me and him gaping at the beauty of our new school.

Eugene tries not to show it but he's so impressed with the beauty of it. I think Eugene really appreciates beauty, he seems the type.

I hear faint singing underneath us, and notice... what is that? Mermaid tails...

"Ned..." Ned looks at me "what're those?" I point to the water where the... mermaid's? Are.

Ned's face lights up, "Oh! Those are Merpeople! They have beautiful singing voices when you're underwater."

So they are mermaids. My whole bloody childhood is a lie.

Eugene seems a little happy at the fact mermaids are real, he has a faint smile on his face.

Once the boats dock we begin our journey up to the castle, which has so so many stairs.

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