Chapter 1

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Sitting on the grass feels peaceful, knowing this is where we are safe.

Is it a bad thing? The fact that three idiots are the only thing keeping me sane in this fucked uptown? Probably. Do I give a single fuck? No.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

A soft and gentle voice breaks me from my thoughts. I look up and see Jason looking at me with a concerned look. I smile sweetly at him and ruffle their short black hair, something I do quite often. "just school" I reply.

Jason is one of my best friends. His excited and gentle persona always succeeds to make me feel better. The random calls at any time of the day or night just to ask me if I'd rather talk to the moon or sun, the deep convos, the cuddles, and the absolute crackhead moments, I love it all.

Jason is the shortest one of us all. Rounding up at about a 5'7. He has short, black, straight hair that feels silky when you touch it. It's always in the middle part and cut down to his cheekbones. Along with a pair of pitch-black eyes, they always manage to look insanely innocent.

"whatya two bottoms talking about huh?". I look up and see Alex walking up to us. I roll my eyes at his comment and cock my head to the side; "Just school stuff" I answer with a bored tone.

They raise an eyebrow at me, "Woww no bratty comments today? I'm impressed, it's a new you!" they wipe away a fake tear and sniffle. I sigh and roll my eyes "Says you. There isn't a minute that goes by without you making an annoying comment at us. How come you aren't considered a brat?"

I answer 'as-a-matter-of-factly' While looking at him with a smirk. Alex annoys me with his stupid 6'2, muscular frame and his black, curly hair framing his rough features. paired with beautiful blue eyes that manage to darken and make you crumble in a second or two...

yeah. I don't like the guy.

They just simply look at me and tilt their head back, narrowing their eyes at me. "You know damn well why Tye. Don't even try and deny it now. I'm just teasing you. You're the one getting all annoyed. It's cute, honestly. ". I narrow my eyes too "what are you suggesting? aLeX" I mock. Their eyes darken at my attitude, nearly forcing me to back out and submit. But no, not this time.

"I'd watch attitude if I were you. We all know you and Jason here are the biggest bottoms in all of Florida". A blush spreads over my face and I look away to hide it. "Just leave Alex. We don't need your negative energy here" I sigh. Alex simply shrugs and walks off. God. He's so annoying. I wish he'd just stay away from us.

"Just leave it, Ty, he's not going to change. It's best to just ignore it" Jason reminds me. I nod, I know he's right. "I just wish..." I pause. I don't want to worry him. "Never mind. When is the rest getting here?" I just wish we could leave this place and everyone here behind once and for all.

"yooo wazzup fuckers?" I turn to see our other two friends approaching us. Felix, who is the oldest of us all, has blond hair with curls and brown eyes, standing at about 6 ft. tall. And Liam, a 5'11 guy with green eyes and dirty blond hair, strictly combed to the back.

"Hello! Is everyone having just as an amazing day today in our beautiful St. Marks?" Felix sarcastically mutters as he and Liam sit down. "god. Let me guess? Your parents finally decided to cut you off and stop the Niagara Falls of hate?" He laughs,

Felix knows how to take a joke. Especially because It's from me, and he knows how I can be.

"Not in a million years, tye" He mutters bitter-sweetly. I give him a quick pat on his shoulder in understanding. "Well, honestly I think that would be a better chance than my mom suddenly deciding to stop drinking and start taking care of her son!" Liam laughs.

I chuckle and look down, plucking some grass with my fingers. Honestly, we all have bad situations here. Parents that either hate us or wish we were different, Bad reputations, bullies, you name it.

"Guys. We should just leave this fucking town and go somewhere" I offer. "Ty, I don't think a day trip is going to solve all our issues..."

Jason has a point. But luckily that's not what I'm saying. "No. I mean move! Run away! Just leave and pick up our life somewhere else!"

"we are minors. And broke. Plus, it would take actual months to plan it out. And we aren't ready to leave our family behind, are we? Our entire youth and all our memories?" Jason argues.

"Yeah, it's not realistic Tye" Liam agrees. I glance at Felix; he is my last resort. He looks back at me with a sorry look on his face, "Listen, Ty, I know you're having a hard time right now, but that won't work. It's not at all realistic and not to mention illegal." He explains.

I sigh, I know in my brain they're all right. But my heart cannot stand being here any longer than I already am. 

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