Chapter 6

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"Okay guys, it's time we start planning for this thing. Starting with how much money we have and looking for places to stay, how to get there, where we would go, visas, and other stuff"

We are currently at Alex's house, only because he insisted, we have the meeting at his house. It didn't take long for Alex to grab me by my waist and pull me on his lap on the bed, insisting it was because he wants the rest to believe our act.

"Alright. Let's start with countries we all want to go to, and then we can see which ones are most convenient. If we have multiple, we can have a vote." I start. I feel Alex's hands tighten on my waist as he leans in, to whisper in my ear. Just loud enough for everyone to hear. "I like you all bossy"

"Yeah, yeah. Keep it in your pants when we're here okay?" Liam Argues, I chuckle and nod. "It's him, not me" "Alright let's just make a list with countries" Felix interrupts. We all nod, "Let's go clockwise around the room and Liam can write it down" I suggest, everyone nods again, and we start.

"England" Alex starts.

"Italy" – Felix

"France" -Jason

"England" -Liam

Now it's my turn. All eyes are on me, and to be honest, I don't mind at all where we go. As long as we are out of here. So I did the first thing that came up to me "England"

"Well, it's decided then, most of us want England and we won't have to learn another language!" Liam says. I nod "guys I really think that's the smartest, Felix and Jason, can you accept this?" I really don't want them to feel left out.

"Yep" Felix mutters, and Jason nods along. "Well good then! England it is" We all cheer and I feel Alex tighten his arms around me, pulling me more towards him because I've been sitting on his knees mostly. The action pulls a gasp out of me and I practically can hear his smirk when he leans in and whispers lowly "Calm down little prince, just making myself comfortable" I let out a huff and lean back against his chest, effectively using him as a chair. "Fine then"


We have been arguing and discussing things for over three hours now, including research. It's honestly becoming kind of uncomfortable on Alex's lap and I try to wiggle around a bit to get more comfortable so that we can continue after this break.

I wiggle and wiggle until a pair of strong hands grip my hips, Alex's. He let's out a quiet groan and chuckles "I wouldn't do that if I were you". His voice sounds strained, and I turn my head to look at him. "What? I'm trying to get comfortable" His eyes search my face and I look at him confused. He looks down and chuckles I shrug and continue trying to get comfortable, forgetting about his hands on my hips.

It was until a certain movement that I hear Alex's breath hitch and he lets out a low groan again. "Fuck, Tyler. Stop that right now" He sounds stern, and his grip on my hips tightens even more.

"What's with you?" I complain and I look back at him. A sinister smirk appears on his face "Me? I'm not the one grinding against my dick right now" My eyes widen as I start to finally realize what has been going on. I wiggle uncomfortably, He sighs, lifts me, and manhandles me to straddle him, I gasp as he pulls my hips closer to him, our clothed crotches almost touching. "W-what are you doing?" I ask and blush even more when I feel his bulge underneath me. He's hard.

"I needed to hide this." He motions to his hard-on "And since you're the genius that caused it, you better stay put until it goes away, yeah?" He whispers. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, I'm too flustered. "Yeah. Not so sassy when you're sitting on my dick now, hm?" He teases, moving one of his hands from my hips to my waist, keeping it there.

I let out a shaky breath and try to compose myself, trying not to focus on his bulge that doesn't seem to go away.

A few minutes pass and he groans, putting his head down on my shoulder. "Great, now it's starting to hurt" He mutters. "I'm sorry" I mutter back at him, and he chuckles "It's okay". I put my hands on his shoulders and push him away from a little so I can look at him "I am. Sorry for giving you a hard-on". He looks at me for a few seconds and chuckles, giving me a smirk. "Happens to the best of us"

Another minute passes of us just looking at each other, his hard-on still not going away. He studies my face as I study his, I have never actually noticed how attractive Alex is. I blush at the thought and look away.

After a few minutes, I'm starting to get uncomfortable and forget I'm practically sitting on his dick, so I move forward and back a little, his breath hitches but I think nothing of it. Moving my hips back again, He moans low and his hands fly to my hips, gripping me tight, effectively grinding me down on him, the unexpected pressure to my groin makes me let out a moan. 

He lets out a shaky breath, I gasp. "I- I'm sorry! I forgot I swear." He just breathes heavily against my face with his eyes closed, still pressing my crotch to his with the grip he has on my hips, forcing my hips back and forth a few times, grinding his clothed dick against mine. Letting out a groan. I moan, my dick getting harder. 

"A-Alex" I breathe. He opens his eyes, and the blush doesn't go away. "Yeah?" "You're- um- you" I stutter. He looks confused but his eyes widen when he seems to realize what he's doing. "Great. Now we both have to hide a boner" I chuckle. His eyes widen and his breath hitches, he looks down and sees my hard-on pressing against his. "f-fuck" he moans, the sound makes me even harder. 

"Okay, everyone get out! Um- my parents just texted, and they don't want you here" I look at him confused and try to get up, but his hands push me back again, making a grinding motion. We both let out a moan from the friction. "For fuck sakes Tyler stop moving" He pants. "I just said that, so they'd leave us alone, okay? I don't need an audience" I nod and just decide to bury my head in his neck out of embarrassment.

We sit like this for a while as I hear all my friends get up and leave the room. As soon as the door closes, I lean back, ignoring the pleasure shooting through me from the movement. look at him with doe eyes, not wanting him to get mad at me. He just looks back at me, eyes darkened with lust.

"Wh- what now?" I ask. He sighs and closes his eyes, "God. You need to stop looking like that. You're making it so hard for me" He mutters against my lips. It makes me realize how close we are and that if, I wanted to kiss him, that I would only have to move like an inch. My breath hitches, "I- What?"

His hands move from my hips slowly to grab my ass, squeezing. "You look so fucking fuckable". I moan quietly at his words. He breathes heavily against my lips, "I- I am sorry?" I offer. He chuckles lowly, moving his hand to my face and tracing my lips. "It's okay baby"

My lips open almost as an instinct and his thumb slowly slips into my mouth, stroking my tongue, pulling it out, and tracing my lips again. I look at him in his eyes as he seems to be hypnotized. "A-Alex?", He hums, taking his hand and gently moves it though my hair, threading his fingers through my brown curls. "How much of a rule-breaker are you actually?"

I ask, hinting at the rules we made ourselves when we started fake-dating. He moves his eyes from my lips to my eyes, "enough to break our own" He mutters. I widen my eyes at what he's implicating. "Tyler?" He asks I hum, and he lets out a shaky breath, guiding my hips against him, making me gasp out a moan. "Are you willing to break the rules..." He moves closer so our lips are barely touching "...Just this once?"

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