Chapter 2

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Walking home feels dreadful, knowing I'll come home to my mom and dad. The same mom and dad that raised me, and the same mom and dad that refuse to look at me in the eye.

Ever since I told them I wanted to be something else than a lawyer to take over my dad's firm, they've seemed to stop loving me. Or at least stopped showing it. I'm just glad they still give me food and a roof over my head. Even if I know that if it'd be up to my father, he would've kicked me out ages ago.

My mom is a sweet woman; I know she means well. She just doesn't know how to stand up to my dad. Let's just say being a lawyer brings out his manipulating skills quite well.

The burning pit in my stomach has suddenly grown twice its size; I've arrived.

I push the big door open, and to me reveals the same hallway I've come home to for all my life. All sixteen of my years never has it felt this cold. "I'm home!" I yell to no one other than my cat, knowing my parents don't care.


It's quiet at the dining table. Almost too quiet, like the silence you have before a big storm hits. And something tells me said storm, is currently cutting his steak open as it owes him money; my father.

"I- Um- "I start, ignoring my dad already glaring at me for stuttering. I can just hear him say it when I was merely five, 'stuttering is something for the losing party in court. Us Willows do not ever stutter. It is an awful sign of weakness.

"Is everything alright father? You seem tense" I mutter carefully, not wanting to upset the storm waiting to burst just yet... Father looks up at me and narrows his eyes. "You seem observant... do you need money or something?"

"Honey! Maybe the kid's just worried" My mom tries but to no avail. "Oh please. There is no way he doesn't need money with the way his future looks! Pathetic really. I didn't raise you like this. Weak."

Tears threaten to fall from my eyes, but I manage to swallow them. Nothing I'm not used to. Maybe Tyler was right. We should just leave, there isn't a place in this small town for us.

"May I be excused, please? I have to finish some homework" My dad just nods and continues eating.


As usual, my room feels cold and empty. I quickly grab my phone from my bed and put on a black hoodie before climbing out of my window and making my way to Tyler's. We have a lot to discuss, I'm in.


Arriving home feels different today. Like something's bound to happen, something big.

I open my laptop and read through emails... just some health care people worrying about my mom not replying to her emails and her credit card declining. Deep down It feels wrong that they're contacting her kid about these issues, but I also know that I'm the only family member they can contact.

Ever since my dad died, my mom has been drinking... a lot. Drinking to the amount that she is no longer able to take care of her son, me. Currently, she is probably fucking some random guy she met in exchange for some booze.

I scroll through the countless emails of my school, healthcare, bills, etc. until I stumble across something, an email from a law firm.

Curious, I click on it. I'm surprised to find out it's actually for me.

Addressed to the, L. Simons.


Dear, Liam.

We are sorry to inform you; your grandfather and grandmother have passed in a car accident. I wish I could come and tell you myself dear, but it's been a hassle with all the arrangements I must make. We haven't been able to contact your mother dear; I hope she's okay.

Now, I'm sorry to be quite so morbid but I must tell you, your grandparents have left everything to you. Their money, minivan, and their cat; Whiskers.

I feel obligated to inform you, dear, your grandparents had quite the fortune.

We are talking about 30.000 dollars. Please use it well, I trust you, dear.

You are to expect a deposit shortly in your bank account and we need you to be present in the St. Marks's church to sign the papers and collect the cat and minivan on Saturday at noon sharp.

I hope you're doing well dear and I hope you are doing well. Hang in there, nephew!

Written with much love,

Your aunt Tillie.


My mouth is hung wide open, I never had much contact with my grandparents, and I didn't even know they knew I existed. Better not tell mom this, it would crush her.

I can't imagine my grandparents leaving everything to me. there's a pit in my stomach growing bigger by the second, this is it. I could finally be able to leave this shithole town and start my own life somewhere else.

I quickly grab my phone and walk out the front door, locking the door and putting the key in its regular spot so my drunk mother can find her way inside the house while I'm gone.

I get on my bike and ride it to Tyler's. There's something we need to discuss with urgency, I'm in. 

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