Chapter 5

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"Are you joking?? Please tell me this is just a joke" Liam pleads. I look at him in his eyes, he has good reasons to doubt this. Honestly. "Is it so hard to believe I fell in love with him?" yes "Oh come on Tyler, he has been hating on you ever since middle school" true "there's a very thin line in between love and hate, you know" I argue, Oh come on. 

"All I'm saying is, be careful" I nod at him and smile. "he won't hurt me-" As long as you keep this up. "-he loves me too!" Right. I look to the side to see Felix narrowing his eyes at me. "He didn't threaten you, did he? Is that why you're doing this?" Yes "no! of course not!" He doesn't stop narrowing his eyes though, Oh well. I wouldn't believe me either. Let's just hope the second part of this plan works.  

"ah, talk about the devil" I look up to see exactly what Jason was revering to, Alex approaching us. 

"Hey, baby" He greets me and places his hands on my waist, pulling me a little closer. He leans down and kisses my cheek, I stiffen and he leans down to whisper in my ear. "Not so stiff, you look like you're about to shit yourself" I sigh. Fuck it. "Alex, no sexual comments at school" I seductively whisper against his lips, loud enough for the other guys to hear. He raises his eyebrows at me, an amused look on his face. "How are you today, hmm?" 

Just as seductive. 

"m' better now" I smile, my eyes flickering to his lips. He breathes a chuckle, "Oh yeah?" He moves his hands and firmly grabs my hips, pulling me even closer to him, making me gasp, my hands instinctively wrapping around his neck. "Mhmm" I hum, not trusting myself with words currently. "Want me to make you feel even better?" my eyes widen at him but he keeps his posture. I will get him back for this. My hand moves up to play with his hair, it's softer to touch than I had expected. "hmm? You do don't you?" he teases. This closeness should absolutely not make me feel these things. 

Trying to convince myself It's just the nervousness from the guys watching and my hate for him combined, but deep down, knowing it's not, I gather my courage to make this as convincing as possible. I push my hips against his, fake a whimper, and look up at him "Please~". His eyes seem to darken and he rests his forehead against mine "Fuck" he whispers. 

"Ayo? There are people here you know", I hear Jason's voice and reality hits me like a brick when I realize what just happened. I pull away from Alex and scratch my neck awkwardly, I can't help but feel a little disappointed and missing the close contact. Alex wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. "Look who's jealous" He sings, I roll my eyes and lean in to whisper in his ear, "The deal was to not bully them" I remind him. He chuckles, "I am not, and besides, It's not like I'm the only one breaking rules here" He glances down to my bottom half for emphasis. I blush. 

"That's not technically off-limits, and they didn't believe us, what was I supposed to do?" I argue. "Not technically off-limits, huh?" I nod. "Yes. We said; no sex, no kissing or making out, no bullying me and my friends. What I did was not any of that." He chuckles. "So everything else, Is okay?" He whispers back, his hand moving to my hips. "w-what?"

He chuckles lowly, "I'm just messing with you, relax". With that, he lets go of me. "Alright, I gotta dip" He smacks my ass and squeezes it, making me gasp loudly "Bye baby". We all watch as he walks away, me with a very apparent blush on my face. 

"so, that's clearly not an act" Liam mutters. I look at him confused "No obviously... What makes you say that though?" He raises an eyebrow at me "seriously? He was basically eye-fucking you the entire time he was there, and look! He's doing it right now" I look up and see Alex across the cafeteria, looking back at me with an intense look on his face" What in the world? No, that's silly! He is not 'eye-fucking' me, he's just looking" I chuckle nervously, Could it be? Why on earth would Alex be eye-fucking ME?

down bad Tye


The rest of the day was spent following classes and blushing at the intense stares given by Alex across rooms. It doesn't make me uncomfortable, I just wonder what his deal could be. 

"Dude, you have got to tell your little boyfriend to stop glaring at me whenever I give you a hug, It's making me nervous" Jason snaps me out of my thoughts, "Wait, what?". "yeah dude, every time I give you a hug, He just narrows his eyes and basically tells me he is going to commit homicide on my ass!" Jason complains. "That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" I sigh, "NU-uh! check for yourself!" He leans in and gives me a long, lingering hug. Giving me the time to glance over, and sure enough, there Alex is, glaring daggers at us. I raise my eyebrows at him and he sighs, motioning me to follow him outside the classroom.

"I- gotta go. Catch ya later" I mutter before walking after him. When I leave the classroom, I immediately get pulled into a broom closet, into a rather muscular chest. "What the-" I get cut off when a light turns on, revealing the one and only Alex. "You need to stop hugging other guys, People are going to think there is nothing between us because we basically do the exact same!" He complains. "What? That's absurd! I'm not just going to stop hugging my friends just because you want to OWN me or something" I argue, he narrows his eyes and pins me to the closet door. 

"Listen here. I do own you" My eyes widen "In the eyes of other people of course, so I can't have people think I would let my boyfriend hug around with other guys" I roll my eyes, "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, huh? I can do whatever I want" He leans down to whisper in my ear. "Oh trust me, Tyler, do it again and you're going to regret. Every. Little. Bit. Of it. We clear?" 

My breath hitches, but I can't just have him boss me around like this. So I simply push him off me and open the closet door, mutter "Go fuck yourself" and walk away from him.

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