Chapter 8

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Yesterday was a mistake, plus I'm not gay. Right? I like girls; I like their breasts, and delicate features, their long legs, and the way their hair sways in the wind.

I just can't help but wonder why it felt so good being close to Tyler like that... It was probably just because I'm deprived of human contact; I really need to get laid.

Especially if I'm going to spend my time sitting here with these people. I know I'm going to for at least a couple of months, might as well get laid a couple of times before we go. Just to make sure I don't do anything stupid again.

"Hello?? Alex are you even paying attention?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up and meet Tyler's beautiful brown eyes staring up at me with an annoyed expression. "Sorry, Beautiful. What was that?"

He rolls his eyes, but I see amusement in his eyes, "We have a pretty big budget to spend, but it's not enough to live a luxurious life. Also, we need to make some arrangements beforehand, so we will not have all the money to spend there. This means we all need to get jobs and save up most of what we earn" He continues to ramble on

"We have enough to rent a three-bedroom, and since there's five of us, some need to share a room. That's fine because we can get bunk beds, but to save money..." he looks nervous "Jason suggested we could share a bed... So I was asking if that's okay with you.

I pause. He looks skeptical, that's not good for our act. I also can't help but feel the same, who knows what could happen? But... the show must go on. I smirk at Tyler and put my hand on his cheek, pulling him close. "Of course, I wouldn't mind baby" His eyes widen, and a blush spread across his cheeks.

"What? You're getting shy now? Come on, we have done worse than share a bed. Huh?" I tease. His cheeks glow even redder at my insinuation, and I'm getting chuckles all around from his friends. "I suppose..." He mutters.

"It's sorted then," Felix says, "We'll all save up and we can make sure the apartment is rented and that the furniture is sent there before we arrive. That means we need to buy that first, let's make a list and go to the thrift"

"Cool" Mutters Tyler, we all nod, and Liam gets a piece of paper out of his bag to make the list.

4 mattresses (3 twins, and 1 double-sized)


Livingroom table

Coffee table

5 chairs

4 dressers

"Wait FOUR dressers? There's five of us" Tyler protests, I can see Liam roll his eyes "To save money, you can share with Alex" I fake a grin to mask the uneasy feeling and kiss Tyler on the cheek. "it's fine babe, I'll leave enough room for your panty's" He rolls his eyes "I don't own that. And yes you will" I chuckle and the list continues.

3 normal blankets, 1 big one for 2.

"we've got to share a blanket too!" Tyler protests. Everyone looks up and Liam frowns. "I thought you two were dating? Where is all this coming from?" My eyes widen; Tyler is going to blow my cover.

I grab him by his arm and pull him up and away from the rest. "Hey- what the hell?" He protests. "We need to talk" I state, he just rolls his eyes and signals for me to continue. "You are blowing our cover! Stop being such a damn brat" His eyes widen "I just have to share EVERYTHING with someone who blackmailed me into even going??"

I realize he's right. But I can't let him blow this for me.

"I will secretly buy us two blankets without anyone knowing. Just- please. This is my only chance" I try to be sincere, and I can tell he notices by the way his features soften. "Okay then. But we need to do something because they're onto us"

I nod and smirk, "leave that to me, babe". Emphasizing the word babe. He eyes me suspiciously but turns around, nevertheless, returning to the group.

I make sure to eye his buttocks as he's turned away from me, just enough for his friends to notice. My hands find their way to his waist, one of them sliding just a tad more downwards for a second before I grip his waist firmly to make him stop walking.

I tower over him from behind and lower my head to whisper in his ear, he turns his head slightly and whispers "What do you think you're doing". I can tell by his voice he's flustered and can only imagine the blush on his cheeks right now. I lower my voice "Just play along".

I move my head and pepper several kisses on the side of his neck before opening my mouth slightly and leaving a wet kiss. He shivers and one of his hands immediately clutches my hand, which has made its way to his v-line.

I suck softly on that very spot on his neck, he gasps when my tongue drags over the red mark I created. My nails are dragging down his sides and I'm kissing all over his neck. "I-"He tries to speak but I shush him by turning him around to face me.

I struggle to focus on the fact that this is only an act when his beautiful face turns to look at me. His eyes are unfocused, and his cheeks are red, a red spot on the side of his neck appearing. He's just looking up at me, not saying or doing anything, his hands clutching my shirt at the front and lips slightly apart.

Suddenly it feels as though we are the only two people here. His eyes shift from my eyes to my lips, and he seems almost mesmerized; like a kid looking at a chocolate cake.

My eyes also falter as I can't help but study his beautiful face, the freckles that are sprinkled across his delicate features, his chocolate brown eyes, and his pretty pink lips, glistening from when he nervously wet them earlier. My hand travels from his waist to his cheek, my thumb caressing the soft skin there softly.

All the cockiness and audacity that I seemed to have disappeared from my body when we meet eyes again.

A cough snaps me out of it though, I loop up and see everyone looking at us expectantly. I look back down at a mortified Tyler, that's really the only way I can express that look on his face, and chuckle softly. I dip down and kiss his forehead tentatively and smile at him.

He blinks a couple of times and shakes his head as if clearing his mind forcefully before pulling away from me and turning around. My hand stays put on his shoulder. "Sorry about that, guys" He mutters I smirk, "I'm not"


boom! enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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