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So I said there'd be a golf chapter. Instead you get a question: would you prefer if Tom took reader to the park and proposed while singing Electricity from Billy Elliot or if he took you to Prague and proposed on the bridge that MJ told Peter she knew he was Spidey? (The scene would be like, "YN... I—" "wanna marry you." "No, that's not what I was gonna say..." and the progression would be him admitting it.

So I was reading some Peter Harley fanfic, as you do, and obviously their ship name is Parkner. Buttttttt...hear me out. Parsley. P from Peter arley from Harley, and that sounds like Parley. What else sounds like that? Parsley. And they're chaotic enough that it would turn into Parsley.

WILD THOUGHT. Hear me out. I'll say this once and probably never again. Tom Holland in a golf movie. Like a commentary on the history of white supremacy in golf. But we'd make him a morally dark grey character because we wouldn't want him to play a white suprematist but obviously he can't be all good and shit because it would be a movie about the history of golf in America and the systemic and ingratiated racism and that isn't sunshine and daisies. But like plot: Tom's character goes to a golf club in the 50s-60s and he's decent. Definitely playing worse than he actually does. And there's a guy (Anthony Mackie?) who's giving him anonymous tips but Tom's character is still kinda an asshole to the black kids he sees outside the course but praises his secret benefactor. Basically the dynamic of inside vs outside the grounds. And it would talk about race, socioeconomics, politics/racial politics, and other things like that.

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