Sick Note

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I'm sorry this is not my favorite and it's really short. Thank you @lisaturpin2020 for the prompt: "Can you do one where tom is a bit tired and y/n calls him sick note like he asks her for something and she goes "okay sick note" but then tom turns cold on her cuz to him sick note really hurts but y/n doesn't know about it. she notices that he is sad and angry but he doesn't say anything so she asks harry and he tells her and then she apologizes." Very heavily inspired by the interview that came out like an hour ago and the fact that Tom sounded halfway dead.

TW: swearing.

Tom was not sick. He had woken up and his throat was fine. Fine. I tell you. It was fine. The poor dude was a-ok. Nothing wrong with his voice, I promise. But...uh...Tom had been in interviews literally the whole day and his voice was gone.

You were in New York for work, and as such, weren't there with Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob during their interview. You weren't waiting for him at home. It was just about 4pm, and you were on YouTube, as one does, waiting for one of the latest interviews to drop. One did. And about ten minutes later (you watched it twice, thoroughly loving it), you FaceTimed Tom.

"Darling?" he picked up on the fourth ring. His voice was all sorts of scratchy. He was wearing his pink hoodie (that you frequently stole.) "What's goin' on?"

"You good?"

" good?"

A pause. "Yeah, Tommy, I'm good."

"Um...I miss you."

"Miss you too. You need someone to bring you soup? I swear I'll get Sam to whip up some chicken noodle soup and deliver it to your doorstep."

"No no, I'm good. Jacob and Zendaya are here. They've taken over the kitchen." Tom moved his phone around to get a view of the kitchen. "Oi! Y/N says hi!" he shouted, though his voice cracked in the middle.

"Yeah, yeah, ok, sicknote," you laughed, rolling your eyes. 

Tom immediately stiffened. "I, uh. I gotta go. Jacob says food is ready. Bye!" He ended the call, and you were left confused and alone.

You stared at your phone. What had you done wrong? How had you fucked up? Clearly, you decided, you had, but you hadn't a clue how. 


Tom wasn't in a bad mood, to begin with. He was quite content with the interviews he'd had, not spoiling anything, the lovely photoshoot with Jacob and Zendaya. Sure, it sucked that his vocal cords felt like they had gone through a blender, but it was still a good day. 

But sicknote? Sicknote hurt. Sicknote hurt enough where he didn't reply when you texted him moments later, sorry love didn't mean to upset u xx

Sicknote hurt enough where Tom was silent throughout that late-night snack that Jacob and Zendaya had made for him. The chicken noodle soup and tea with milk and honey (honey, Z, really?) were good, but it wasn't Mum's soup, and it wasn't your soup, and it wasn't even Sam's soup. Tom didn't trust Harry, Paddy, or his dad to make him soup, so he'd never had any of whatever they'd have concocted.

It was nearing midnight when Jacob and Zendaya left. "Night, Tom. Please let us know if you're dead tomorrow, or contagious or have COVID or just a sore throat."

"And drink more tea with honey before bed," Jacob added, before scratching his head.

"Oh! And bring cough drops tomorrow just in case." 

"Do you need us to find you a rapid COVID test? Like, I'm 100% you don't have COVID because we were literally talking all day today, but like. If you want." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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