Disaster strikes again

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I am a disaster. I am striking again with a crazy idea.

Right. That picture of Tom and Jacob at one of the Children's Hospitals in LA in his Spidey suit? I know I already used that to inspire my Soren chapter, but imagine if Peter hadn't been dusted in Infinity War and he was there for Morgan's birth. And he was out patrolling but then he got a call from Tony (or more likely Rhodey, after confiscating Tony's phone and calling Peter while Tony stops freaking out) telling him to go to the hospital because his little sister is being born, and Peter crashes into the hospital and is like, "I'm here. Oh, wow. H-hey. I'm Peter...Parker...Peter Parker. You're...you're my baby sister." And he's all stuttery like the day he met Tony and then he picks her up and everyone melts into a puddle of feels. 

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