Chapter 1

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(Diagon Alley, August 29th 1971)

Walburga, Regulus, Sirius and Cassiopeia could be seen walking down the street of Diagon Alley, Walburga looking like she was being made to walk in mountains of dung, her sneer deepening whenever they walked past muggleborns or they're muggle families, however her children looked like they were in heaven on earth, looking around in wonderment.

"Cassiopeia, Sirius, go get your robes and wands, I'll get your books and everything else, I don't want to be surrounded by this filth for much longer, oh look there's a prime example over there the Potters" Walburga spat the name Potters as if it left a foul taste in her mouth "Such a waste of Purebloods, Cassiopeia, Sirius, when you are at Hogwarts do not socialise with blood traitors like them or the Weasleys, I hear Billius Weasley is in 5th year now Gryffindor prefect," Walburga kept muttering on about how horrible Gryffindors were, but Cassie and Sirius weren't listening they started to walk to Madam Malkins Robes, as they walked in there was a small queue of people waiting to get there robes fitted and at the end of the line were the Potters, the exact people the twins were told not to talk to, they looked at each other with that all to familiar glint of mischief in their eyes

"2 Galleons for whoever can piss mother off the most" Sirius muttered under his breath holding out his hand "Deal, I know just how to piss her off" Cassie said shaking her brothers hand. To start of Cassie turned her hair into rainbow colours and changed her grey eyes Amber, almost glowing.

Sirius turned to the Potters in front of us and tapped the boy on the shoulder, when he turned around he had olive skin, Hazel eyes and Black hair who looked like it had never been brushed, "huh ironic, his dad made a potion specifically for taming wild hair yet here his son is hair wild as ever." Cassie thought to herself, he was wearing round wire frame glasses and some muggle jeans and top.

"Hello, I'm Sirius Black," Sirius told the Potter boy with a friendly grin, normally the name Black would scare people off and it did Fleamont Potter and his Wife Euphemia looked apprehensive as Sirius introduced himself, "This is my sister Cassiopeia"

"Please, call me Cassie, Cassiopeia sounds so formal and it's a bit of a mouthful" she introduced herself with a friendly and reassuring smile towards Mr and Mrs Potter

"I'm James Potter, do you start Hogwarts this year too?" James introduced himself, "James! That was his name" Cassie thought to herself

"Yes we are, we just can't wait" Cassie said as Sirius opened his mouth to speak, she would not lose this bet but she also would not be spoken for, especially when that's all that's happened her entire childhood. "In fact I really don't fancy sitting with our cousins on the train ride over, they can be such a bore, what with all their blood purity crap," Mr and Mrs Potter seemed a lot less apprehensive after us speaking which was great.

"Sure you can sit with me but I'm also sitting with one of my friends from home, Peter Pettigrew," James said slightly apprehensive of what the two of them would think of sharing a compartment with someone who wasn't a pureblood. "Sounds great, the more the merrier" Sirius said to James

"Hey can I ask you something, why is your hair rainbow and your eyes amber? I've seen pictures of you in the Prophet, but you had Black hair and blue eyes" James asked looking at Cassie, she held back a chuckle as Euphemia quietly scolded James for being so blunt

"Oh well I'm a metamorphmagus and Sirius and I have a bet at who can annoy our mother the most and she hates when I change my hair and eyes, oh and my eyes are grey not blue" Cassie replied

"Cool can you turn into an animal? One of my uncles was a metamorphmagus as well and he turned into a hawk" James said looking hopeful at the chance to see someone turn into an animal

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