Chapter 2

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(Platform 9 3/4, September 1st 1971)

Cassie and Sirius were finally going to Hogwarts they had just ran through the wall to Platform 9 and 3/4 and were staring around in amazement, Regulus just ran through with Walburga following "Now Cassiopeia, Sirius, you are to be on your best behaviour at Hogwarts if I hear you are bringing shame on to the family name you will regret even wanting to go to Hogwarts, I expect the highest grades in your year, and for the sake of Salazar get into Slytherin, got it, now we're leaving, Kreacher will apperate you home at Christmas, and you are coming home for Christmas, you have to attend the Christmas Ball" Walburga said in a hushed manor before grabbing Regulus and turning to leave, but Regulus got loose from her grip and ran toward Cassie and Sirius and tightly hugged them.

"I'm gonna miss you guys" Regulus whispered while he hugged them "Us too Reggie now go back to Mother, if she punishes you remember the healing stuff is in our room, stay safe, I love you" Cassie said hugging him back

"I love you as well Reggie, I'll send Godric over later so you can write to us" Sirius said ruffling his hair and gently nudging him towards Mother not wanting him to be punished for staying too long, "I love you guys too, write you later" Regulus said running back to a furious looking Walburga who grabbed Regulus's arm and apperated away.

"I hope he's okay, god if she hurts him I'll kill her," Cassie whispered shouted her hair turning a deep crimson, a sign that meant she was furious, "Cassie he'll be fine, he's strong, besides Regulus is the golden boy, he can do no wrong in Mother's eyes" Sirius said placing a hand on his sister's shoulder comfortingly.

"Fine, let's just find James, and I kinda want to find Lily as well she seemed really nice" Cassie said scanning the crowd, as she looked around she saw Remus get on the train and disappear from sight, then she saw Lily and her family but there was another girl with her, the other girl had brown hair in a ponytail tied with a blue ribbon, there was also a boy with her that seemed out of place with her family "Hey Sirius you find James I want to say hi to Lily before we get on the train" Cassie told Sirius before walking up to Lily

"Oh Cassie hi, there's so many people here, oh I should introduce you guys, Severus, Petunia, this is Cassiopeia Black, Cassie this is my sister Petunia and my friend Severus Snape" Lily said gesturing to the boy and the girl with the ponytail, as Lily said Cassie's last name Severus seemed to look interested, "must be wizard-born" Cassie thought, thought Petunia scowled and turned her nose

"I don't care Lily, it's bad enough I have to come to see you off to your freak school I don't want to meet anymore of people like you, Freaks!" Petunia said quietly in a heated manner before turning on her heel and walking away, "Petunia!" Lily's mother scolded the girl who was walking away "I'm terribly sorry, I don't know what's gotten into her" Lily's mother said to us before walking away to get Petunia

Cassie was shocked and turned to look at Lily who had tears welling up in her eyes "I'm going to find a compartment, I'll come find you later Sev, I want to be alone right now" Lily said her voice breaking a little before running off into the train, Severus and Cassie yelled after her but she didn't look back

"I've got to find my brother but make sure she's okay yeah?" Cassie said to Severus, she didn't know why but she didn't like Snape much, he reminded her of her family, but Lily seemed to be friends with him so she'll just have to deal with him. "Yes, okay goodbye" Snape said before walking off to the train as well.

Cassie walked around for a moment looking for her brother before she saw Euphemia and Fleamont in the crowd, well really she saw Fleamont he was quite tall, she went over to them, "Hi, I finally found you guys" she said to the family "I was just over with someone I met at Diagon Alley, hope you don't mind"

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