Chapter 5

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(Sunday the 5th of September)

"Classes start tomorrow, I personally can't wait for potions, it's always been something I like, something about the precision and delicacy" Cassie said to Lily, Marlene, Alice and Dorcas while sitting on a chair in the kitchens, the girls had found the kitchens pretty quickly after being told it was near Hufflepuff's common room, but it took them a while to figure out how to get in.

"I can't wait for Transfiguration, it seems so cool being able to turn things into different things" Lily said taking a sip from her juice

"I'm waiting for astronomy, I love the stars and everything but I'm not looking forward t the class being in the middle of the night" Marlene said eating some grapes

"Me neither, but I'm excited for herbology, we have plants and everything at home and I was taught how to look after them from a young age" Alice said eating an Ice Cream

"Well I want to see what Charms is like and also Magical creatures but we don't get that till third year, I can't wait" Dorcas said.

All the girls were gathered around a table eating and drinking any type of food they liked, the house elves were more than eager to accommodate and some even burst into tears when the girls said please and thank you's, Lily asked if they wanted to sit with them and they burst into even more tears saying that they have rarely been treated with such kindness from anyone other than Dumbledore or most Hufflepuffs, Cassie thought back to her house elf Kreacher, and wondered if he felt this way when they would talk to him without manners, from that moment she promised herself she'd at least try to be civil with the house elf from now on, no matter how many insults he muttered under his breath.

"Did you guys see Lupin today? He looked so pale, like deathly sick," Marlene said with a little concern on her face

"Yea he did look quite sick, I don't think he even to touched his food at breakfast or lunch and I don't even think he was at dinner," Lily said also looking concerned

"Sirius is friends with him, I'll ask him if Remus is okay next time I see him" Cassie said changing her position in her chair for the hundredth time that night

"Tell us would you? I know we don't know him well but I'd like to know he's okay" Alice asked

"Of course Ali, I'll ask Sirius" Cassie said "we should probably get going before curfew, you know I'm always up for breaking rules within reason but I don't think the five of us will be able to avoid Filch, Prefects, Head boy and girl and teachers unless we went in a two and three"

"Nah I'd rather leave now but we're taking food up" Marlene said getting up

"Marls, our dormitory is practically a bakery right now, there's so many sweet treats there we don't need more" Alice tried to reason but Marlene didn't seem to listen as she asked the house elves for some more food which she took and walked out of the kitchens

"Wait up Mars Bar, we can't all walk that fast" Lily said jogging a little to keep up, Marlene had earned the name Mars Bar from her love for the sweets when Lily introduced them to her, but to the other girls she was Marlene or Marls, one time Cassie tried to call her Mars Bar but that didn't go well.

Once the girls had got to the common room almost everyone turned to Marlene who had a huge basket of baked goods from the house elves, the girls learned that if you're bringing food back from the kitchens for yourself your also bringing for the entire house after all but a few bits of Marlene's food was taken upon entry the first time they got to the kitchens.

"Ok this is my food this time if you want it you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands" Marlene said before running up to the dorm and locking it with a charm Cassie and Lily found in a book that only lets certain people in.

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