Chapter 4

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Once the girls had settled in and a brief argument between Marlene and Dorcas over who gets the bed beside the bathroom, they had gone down to the common room for a little while and found James, Sirius and Peter down there.

"Oh hey, where's Remus and Frank?" Lily said to Peter, completely ignoring James and Sirius, she does not like them.

"Oh Remus wanted to sleep and Frank isn't in our dorm, the prefect said something about odd numbers" Peter said to Lily.

"Ok mind if we sit with you guys for a bit" Cassie asked sitting herself in between James and Sirius on the couch, Cassie has issues trusting people, especially when it involves her brothers, for most of her life she, Sirius and Regulus were raised by house elves, and partly Cassie, she's always been overprotective and wary of people getting close to her brothers in case they were like their parents or cousins or any of their family, she knew that James was a good person but she couldn't help but be wary of him and Peter and Remus, they seemed to be good people but it was habit by now. "Scootch over James"

"Hey! There's about 15 different free chairs you could've taken" James complained moving over.

"Well too bad, I want to sit here" Cassie said, "so, what are you guys doing here?"

"Planning pranks, Remus is a goodie to shoes and would probably rat is out to one of the Prefects, probably not Billius, he'd probably help us" Sirius said picking a notebook that had pranks in the pages, it was a Gryffindor notebook so Cassie assumed it was either James or Peter's.

"Okay, whose notebook is this though? Because these pranks need to be updated, I mean what kind of prank is 'set off fireworks next to Filch's cat' are you mad, he'll string you on the quidditch goal posts from your toes, besides Mrs Norris would catch on fire, getting kicked out of Hogwarts first week for burning Filches cat to death, is definitely not how I want to leave Hogwarts, it's either going to be hexing Bellatrix, Lucius or/and Narcissa or with a full seven years of education and top marks" Cassie said putting the notebook down on the coffee table.

"Hey that Idea was mine! It's James's notebook though" Sirius said hitting Cassie on the arm, Cassie immediately hit Sirius back and then laid down across the couch head on Sirius's lap feet on James's

"Get your feet off me!" James protested pushing Cassie's feet off,

"Fine, I'm tired anyway, I'm going back up to the room, if you girls are staying up a bit later then please be quiet coming back in, I'm a light sleeper" Cassie said getting up and heading towards the stairs

"Wait a minute, I'm coming up as well, I might read though but I'll make sure not to bother you" Lily said running up to Cassie.

Lily and Cassie made it up to their room and Cassie went to her bed and drew the curtains and tried to sleep, but she just couldn't, her mind kept playing different scenarios and took notice of every little noise like Lily flipping through the pages of a book, rain battering against the window or a muffled giggle or aww every once in a while, god what is so good about reading that Lily can't keep quiet. After about 5 minutes of Lily's giggling she suddenly goes dead silent but the pages are still flipping. 'Eh Whatever, at least I can sleep now'

"CASSIE! NO!" Cassie lifts her head, where is she? This it's bright, and the floor is kinda comfy, but that not the point, once Cassie's eyes focus she sees Regulus standing before her, crying.

"Regulus? What's wrong? What is this place?" Cassie asked getting up

"No, no, no! You weren't supposed to- you shouldn't be here" Regulus says not answering Cassie

"Reggie take a deep breath and explain" Cassie said sitting down and gesturing for Regulus to sit as well, and he calms after a moment.

"I don't know exactly what this place is but I came here after I died-"

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