chapter 5

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Third person pov

  Kei was walking around the store to see where he could find the ice packs, he looked everywhere but he just couldn't find them.

  "Hey Tsukki!!" A very familiar voice yelled not to far away. Kei turned around to see Yamaguchi standing behind him.
  "Hello yams" kei smiled a real smile, maybe more of  a smirk. "Do you know where I can find the ice packs, y/n needed one for some reason."

   "oh yeah the should be on aisle 4 i think"
   "Cool bye see you tomorrow" he walked to aisle 4. He looked around the aisle and finally found the ice packs.

(Italics=y/n Bold = kei)

I'm on my way back dipshit

Oh! Cool! Seeya then

Yeah whatever

  He got home and basically kicked down the door.
  "Be quiet!" Y/n had whisper yelled at him. "Chibi-chan is asleep!"
  "Sorry" Kei rolled his eyes. "Ow!" He had gotten a remote thrown at him.
  "Dont you roll your eyes!" She had the death glare on her face.
   When Shoyo had told her what happened to his head, y/ n knew he wasnt telling the whole truth because he had slap marks on his face. She also just just knew because she had always been able to tell those type of things. But she didn't say anything for the sake of it might being a touchy subject.
  "Hand me the ice-" There was a small giggle coming from the boy on the couch. They looked over to see Shoyo wide awake and laughing. Y/n smiled softly as she saw that he wasnt feeling that much pain anymore. He had taken a 25 minute nap on the couch. He fell asleep not just because of slight blood loss but also because he was tired and just ended up falling asleep on y/n lap.
  Kei handed Shoyo the ice pack and Shoyo laid back in y/n's lap. She put on Technoblade (subscribe to Technoblade) because she was tired as well. Kei walked up to his room because he knew she would fall asleep at some during the stream and sure enough she did.

--------time skip-------------

   Y/n's pov

    I woke up to the smell of cooking along with the feeling of absence on my lap. I look up to see that Kei and chibi-chan and cooking some ramen! I smiled as I saw they weren't fighting as I thought they would, they looked as if they were having a great time bonding. I look twords the tv and see that it was turned off at some point in my nap.

The love of a crow Hinata shoyo x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now