chapter 6

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Y/n's pov

  Yesterday was so fun! Chibi-chan ended up staying the night. We played truth or dare and we got Kei to say that he likes Yams!!
  Me, chibi-chan, and Kei are walking to practice while talking about what position I might be in. We told him I was a girl but he couldnt tell anyone. I could tell I was already getting a slight crush on chibi-chan but it wasn't painfully obvious, well I hope.
   "Tsukki!! Wait up for me!!" We turned around to see Yams running at us pretty fast. I look over at Kei who looks like a living breathing tomato. He looks down and see me smirking at him. I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He looks at me super pissed off but since I was his sister I wasn't scared.
  Once Yams got over and was panting heavily, me and Chibi-chan looked at each other with smirks. He got behind Yams and I got behind Kei. Yams cought his breath, we put our hand right in front of us and we pushed them into each other. Kei had fallen on Yams and they were blushing. But all the sudden Kei kisses Yams!! I looked up at chibi-chan so shocked that I didn't know what had happened....
~~~~time skip brought to you by Shoyo's height ~~~
Y/n's pov still

  I was still shocked about what happened thus morning. We planned it to be harmless like "oh I pushed you into your crush so now you embarrassed" but nope! He just had to kiss him. I think Kei slipped in his tongue because I swear I heard Yams moan. Me and chibi-chan got bloody noses and fell over and started crying because of what we just saw. It was real obvious that Yams also liked Kei so at least we got that settled...

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