chapter 7

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Y/n's pov

   I pulled out my box of cigarettes and took out my lighter. If Kei found out about this he would kill me!
I placed one in between my lips and lit it up. What if I just burned this place down...? No!! Get those damn thoughts out of you head y/n!! I always knew smoking was bad for you but it always calmed me down when no one else could or would.
  I blew out a puff of smoke and sighed... I usually kept my eyes closed while smoking but today was special because I knew that Kei was on to me big time. Why you might ask, well because he caught me sneaking out of my room through my bedroom window but didn't stop me just waited in my room till I got back. And he once found a box of cigarettes on the kitchen table, that wasn't mine and I don't know where it came from!
  He doesn't even know that I own lighters! Because he won't allow me to have them because of one time I set a abandoned house on fire! Like it was no big deal!! No one was living in it and no would dare even go near it in the first place! No one knew it was me. Because right after I did that, Kei and I got the news that we were moving to a different city.
  I pit out my cigarette on the wall and started walking home. I told Kei that I would be back in like and hour or two, because it was like 9pm at night.
  I bumped into some one, and that some one just happened to be Chibi-chan!!

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