🎃 Another Life-Emily x Reader🎃

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Summary: You always had a crush on Emily but everyone pulled you away when they found out you loved her more than just a friend, for money your family had forced you to marry someone else. You must be quick and come up with a plan before it's too late.

(Sorry It took me so long to update, about three months ago I moved back to the States temporarily and haven't gotten the time to write, but since spooky season is nearing I'll do my best to write more on this book. The next one shot might be Big Fish, Pee Wee or The Addams Family)


"I'm going to what?!"

"(Y/N), don't shout!"

I stared at the invite letter in my hands, it was to a wedding, my wedding. "I can't get married! I'm t-too young for it!" I tried to make up any excuse I could to get out of this situation.

My parents scoffed and continued watching my every move. "Enough acting so childish, your going to marry because this family needs money."

It's all lies. My family are very wealthy and have enough money already, they just want to use me so they can have more. They've always been greedy.

My friend Emily and I would always be together and take walks around town, we would always bring food and feed to the poor. That's how nice Emily has always been towards those she holds dear.

"Do you think we're proud of what you've become? Imagine what the townsfolk will say! Word will spread around and our family name will be put to shame." Mother has always been an exaggerated woman.

"Listen to your mother. You'll be an embarrassment to us."

"If father were here he'd be happy for my own decisions." I mutter looking out the window and ignored the maids walking in and out of the room. Mother remarried another man with more money than I would say the queen herself, that's all she's cared about.

Mother had found out that I see Emily as more than just a friend. I've never heard of a girl liking another girl, it was certainly uncommon and strange but I feel very happy when I'm with her. No one will understand my feelings.

"You're going to marry and so will she to a man as it should be. Tomorrow you're both going to be married but at different locations of course." Mother's husband told me.

Of course they would do such a thing. The church were they are planning to marry me is further than the one Emily will be at, I have to see it tonight.

"Okay..I understand." I lied and did what mother told me.

She smiled and patted my shoulder, "Excellent! Now I want you to rest up, tomorrow I'll be waking you up very early."

With that she gently pushed me into my room and I headed towards my bed and got under the covers. I listened carefully when she locked the door so I quickly stood up and raced for the shelf full of books and pulled out a book and a passageway opened.

Good thing my father built this just for me. I hurried and tried not to make a sound. I rose the hood to my cloak up to my head and went over to where Emily and I would always stay for hours.

Into the woods. Emily would dance and sing while I just admired her and would take in every second with her. "Emily?" I tried looking around if she was here and I heard some branches move behind me.

I heard a giggle and sighed relieved when I noticed it was just her. "You scared me, don't do that again." I warn but let a smile slip from my angered face.

"It's funny seeing you get all scared up." She said and ran her hands down her long dark hair. "It's just a shame we won't be able to hang out again."

I stared at her confused and remembered. "We can always escape, no one knows we're here right? Let's run away and start a new life elsewhere. Who says we need to listen to everyone for who we truly are."

I reached for Emily's hand and she held mine but her eyes were full of sadness. "I would love to do that..but I can't. I've accepted what's to come."

Emily has always been determined which is one thing I've always loved but hated. She pulled herself away and sat down by a tree. Emily wants to be with me and I want to be with her, but how can we?

"I have a loveless dress to wear tomorrow, wish you could be able to see it." She tries to make conversation when she noticed I wouldn't be the first to talk due to how angry and disappointed I am.

"I should be the one waiting for you at the altar not some horrible man you've only met a couple of times." I fight back and defeatedely sat down next to her and stared at the bright moon up in the sky.

Emily smiled and patted my head. "Everything Will be alright, (Y/N). We'll find a way to still hang out and talk to each other."

"Life isn't fair." I mutter and buried my face into my legs which I hugged together.

"You've always been the kindest to me, for that I'll be eternally grateful. Here take this." She grabbed my hand when I still wasn't looking and felt her place something on my palm.

I lifted my head up and felt something, I looked into my hand and noticed some flowers. "Baby's breath, my favorite flowers...I'll be seeing you soon." I gasped lightly when Emily placed a quick kiss on my cheek before she ran back to her place.

I have to put a stop to her wedding.


"Take a deep breath and enter when you're ready." Mother said and I had to shoo everyone away when they wanted to grab the end of my white wedding dress.

"I know, just give me 10 minutes and I'll be out." I breathed in and out still playing my part do she wouldn't figure me out.

My mother nodded and made everyone leave the changing room I was in. I huffed and grabbed my veil along with the flower crown attached to it and I ripped it and threw it away.

I began looking for an escape exit. The doors are blocked so that means I have to climb out of the window. I tossed my shoes aside and ripped the ends of my dress do it wouldn't get tangled up on my legs.

As quickly as I could I climbed down and grabbed one of the many horses that were outside. The horse began to run and I held onto it tight and hoped I wasn't late.

I could hear everyone inside my house freaking out when they noticed I had escaped. I smiled wide and made the horse run faster and spotted the church just up ahead.

I jumped off the horse and pushed open the door when got closer and saw Barkis, Emily's soon to be husband. "Someone get help!" I heard someone say and everyone started packing around the church.

My eyes widened when I noticed Emily was on the floor and Barkis holding her. "Something happened to my wife!"

I bawled my fists and punched his face. "You did this! He's a liar!" I shouted and pushed him away and held Emily's now lifeless body.

Her skin seemed paler and already felt cold. "No no." I began to cry and traced my fingers onto her face.

She accepted her fate, I wonder if she knew something like this would happen.

"Emily.." I hugged her body and felt every run out of the church.

"It's such a shame this happened, but oh well." I turned to look at Barkis but as soon as I did I felt a sharp pain on my stomach and my eyes felt heavy when I felt something warm on my hands.


Last thing I saw was Barkis before I fell next to Emily and tried holding her hand...



I felt someone near me, I opened my eyes and saw a pale blue person looking down at me alongside with a skeleton. Just where am I?

I don't remember what was the last thing I saw, all I saw was that my body was no longer colored, instead if was a light shade of blue and I found myself inside of a coffin.

"Come with us!" The pair helped me up on my feet and I noticed I was at a cemetery. "Where am I?"

"You'll find soon enough." One of the figures chuckles and began telling me to follow into their home to learn the truth.

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