🎃Nevermore part 2-Lurch x Reader🎃

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Summary: Leaving your son at his new school has brought many memories of your first semester at Nevermore.

(Finished this a couple of weeks back but forgot to upload it. Not my best work in my opinion but I enjoyed writing the flashback scenes, maybe I'll consider doing more of that kind. Next up I think I'll be writing a Wednesday x female reader pretty soon.)


"Morticia and (Y/N) Addams. Will you please stand up and introduce yourselves and what you expect to learn at Nevermore Academy."

I rolled my eyes as soon at the teacher spoke our names and wanted us to introduce ourselves. "This isn't the second grade where we have to talk about ourselves. What more is there to know about." I bluntly said earning a nudge from my sister.

Morticia who was sat by my side eagerly stood up from her seat and spoke a bit about herself and a bit about me since I crossed my arms over my chest refusing to open myself up to a couple of strangers we won't even see once we graduate.

It's a waste of time.

I moved my eyes around and noticed a few guys staring at Morticia in awe, one guy with olive colored skin and dark brown eyes kept staring at her lovingly. I heard him mutter a few words in Spanish. I simply raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes simply listening to my sister finish talking.

Morticia was the most beautiful one between the two of us, that's what I say anyways since guys and girls all fawn over her. She has perfect pale skin, very long black hair and does her best to always look beautiful.

I look almost the exact as her, though don't have that long of hair and keep mine in a simply messy single braid with a few strands surrounding my face with bangs covering my eyebrows.

"She really is beautiful." I heard the guy two desks away from me say.

I did the best to survive the first few classes until we were finally on break. "I'm really loving this school so far, how about you (Y/N)?" Morticia asked picking a rose, well it's thorns since the petal were no longer on it.

"I could care less about it. Wouldn't you say these uniforms are horrendous."

Morticia and I stopped walking and she examined her uniform and mine. "I think they look adorable on you."

"Adorable is by far the word I was expecting from you."

"Cheer up, (Y/N). I thought you would act differently with people like us around."

"A new roommate would've been nice too. Larissa seems weird to me. She seems to not like you.." I glanced around and noticed Larissa far off glaring at Morticia and looking at someone else too.

I hummed and kept my eyes on the ground while we both continued to walk and someone stopped in front of us and I recognized the guy as the one who kept staring at Morticia.

The man held up another rose and introduced himself as Gomez. I kept staring between Morticia and him and saw them both quickly get along, before I knew it he offered to show Morticia around leaving me behind.

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my violin case I had been carrying and decided to practice instead. I went further away from school and took my violin out and started to play The Phantom of the Opera.

"Mrs. Addams." Whoever called me made me miss a note and I glared back and saw the principal.


"You're mother has called on hold at my office."

I said nothing and swung my hands back down and began to place my violin back in it's case. Just when I thought I could have some alone time, someone interrupts me. I followed the principal close and made it to her office, standing by the corner I grabbed the phone and answered quickly hearing my mother's voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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