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Favorite Crime - Olivia Rodrigo

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows to the text, snapping his head up to the front door and quickly goes towards it, yanking it open to see Minho in fact standing there with a twitch of a frown to his lips.

And for some reason, Taehyung began to feel overwhelmed with emotions.

He lost control over them.

"I don't know what is this game y-you're playing with me, but it's driving me crazy!" He tried to not stutter, but his voice failed him just as Minho steps inside his apartment, "One moment you don't give a shit and say that we're just friends, and then you start to reach out a-and then at the party - Then I try to push you away, and suddenly my boyfriends friends start acting up. You post that picture with that girl and I just-"

He has no idea where he's going with this ramble, but his slender fingers is gripping his hair in frustration with tears in his eyes to find some sort of ground. Minho closes the door behind him and stares at Taehyung, seeming to be equally as frustrated as him.

The difference is that he's composed and Taehyung isn't.

"Just what Taehyung?" Minho says quietly, a gleam sparking in his eye, "You agreed for us to cross boundaries with our friendship, knowing I wanted nothing serious in the beginning. I tried to reach out to you that night you went to the club, to go to where you were, but you didn't answer back. One week later, you have someone\s new and then we go to the party and you let me kiss your neck, you decided to end our friendship, and then just after a picture of me with some girl you decided our friendship was relevant enough to talk to me? Because of jealousy."

And then Minho crosses his arms over his chest, "So you tell me who's driving who crazy?"

Taehyung couldn't say anything because it's all true. Looking at it from that perspective at least.

They've been playing this tug of war with each other since he was released, doing little bits of attacks to get under each other's skin, pushing away but discretely trying to catch each other's attention - It's fucking ridiculous.

Yet no matter how badly Taehyung tries, he always will feel something for Minho.

And that's what's not letting him be strong enough to finish his task.

Staring at him now, the man he sent a guy into a coma for, he slowly realizes just how crazy he is for him.

Crazy enough to go to jail.

Crazy enough to accept a deal with a club boss just so he won't kill him.

Crazy enough go against all plans that he initially had, for him.

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