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The sleep was no where to be seen in my eyes. So I decided to listen to some of my favorite songs (english songs) - {I like me better, sit still look pretty,demon, umbrella, kings and queens, 1+1 2+2, try}
(Korean songs) - My favourite korean song - everytime. Make it right - By BTS. I love these songs...
(Indian songs) - Galti, duniya, chain,soch na sake,etc.
{ I love India and I'm learning an Indian language 'hindi' on Duolingo. And songs are also very good source of learning a particular language. And I've already learnt commonly used words. I also like Spanish songs so I'm learning Español language also. Yeah, so many languages right but I like learning new languages, it's one of my hobbies.}

Then, I decided to do one of my favourite thing and i.e to watch the beautiful sky filled with stars. I walked to the balcony and looking up I was mesmerized by the view. The stars were sparkling and shining brightly and the moon, Ahhh..... It's beautiful.....

{ Let me tell you I just love.... the space {Galaxy} and everything related to it. And you won't be surprised my favourite colour is purple, I just love purple ( especially aesthetic). I have a desire that when I'll be an adult, I want my whole room space theme and purple colour. And also to witness a meteor shower.}

After coming out from my dreamworld, I looked at the clock and it was showing fifteen past eleven. I decided to again try sleep but before going to bed I set an alarm for 6:30 am. Just in case if I'll be late....
I closed my eyes let sleep embrace me and after sometime I fell asleep.

The next morning.....

When the sunlight reached my eyes, I slowly opened my eyes. I stood up and glanced at the clock it was showing 6:20 am. I yawned and walked towards the bathroom and did my morning rituals.

After the shower, I changed to my school uniform. After that I took my school bag and walked out of my room. I didn't had any appetite so I decided to have a coffee instead of the breakfast. After finishing my coffee, I glanced at my wristwatch it was showing 6:50 a.m. and 1 hour was still remaining for the school to start and I decided to go to the school instead of staying at home as I was alone and didn't had anything to do.

I reached the school after a 5 minute walk and not many people were arrived. As Aesook and Hyejin were also not here so I made my way towards the class. While going I saw Ms. Lisa, I greeted her ' Good morning'
and so did she.

Good morning, shenyue - She replied.

You're very early today - she said in a teasing manner.

Ne.... Ma'am - I replied embarassing recalling yesterday's detention.

By the way, I want a favour from you - she asked.

Favour ? - I questioned a little confused.

Yes, I can't come to take the class today because I have something important to do. So, if you can tell everyone that tomorrow they have to come early as tomorrow there is a special P.E class and each student have to bring their P.E uniform - she said.

Ofcourse ma'am, I'll do that - I said smiling.

Gumawo ( thanks) - she replied.

It's my pleasure - I exclaimed.

After that, she left and I also made my way to the class. I entered the classroom and took my seat. And I saw that not many students were still arrived. Some girl were sitting in a group chatting. And the boys as usual making noise though not many were present.

** Time skip**

The bell rang and our first class started which was english. Everyone were talking as Ms. Lisa was still not here. I stood up from my seat and went forward.

Listen everyone - I said no, literally shouted.

They stopped talking or doing whatever they were, and had their attention on me now. Aesook and Hyejin gave me a questioning look. I just showed them a hand as the sign to wait.

After that, I told them (everyone) that Ms Lisa won't be able to take the class today.
Some students were happy actually really happy that they started shouting and some had a questioning look of 'why'.

Keep quiet - I said.

She had some work therefore she didn't came. And there's also an important news - I explained.

What is it? - a girl asked.

Tomorrow is a special P.E class so everyone have to come early along with their P.E uniform - I informed.

Any queries - I asked.

Yes - said Seojun a.k.a ( the most irritating person in class) raising his hand.

I looked at him with as bad face I could make as possible.

Then ask to some teacher because I know this much only - saying that I took to my seat. And some students were laughing on Seojun.

I sighed...

( Good job Shen! They are all familiar and its been some days so, yeah I can talk comfortably with them. And it was a task soz I had to do it )

Hey, lovely readers!

It's my nation and I really wanted to mention it, and I did it yay!!!!

So, how was it ? Did you liked it?

Wait for the next chapter to find out what will happen next...

Which part of the chapter did you liked the most?

Seojun is really irritating thinks shenyue....

So, did got to know shenyue better?
Her favourite colour is purple and mine also. What about yours? Do you like space. I love it!!!

What about you, which language do you like?


1. Which is your favourite colour?

2. Which is your favourite song?

Don't forget to like, comment and keep reading and supporting....

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