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"what the fuck." Alvena's breathe came out in puffs, her exhaustion clear in the redness of her cheeks. everywhere she looked was sand, grainy, hot, fucking sand.

as much as she loved the view, it was getting too hot and Alvena's stamina was dwindling slowly, her friends had to be somewhere! she loved appa, she really did; but her resentment for the fluffy creature for dropping her was beyond her. he dropped her. in the middle of the desert.

she was thankful her sandbending helped her move through the plains faster but she couldn't tell if she was getting closer or further from her gang.

sitting on a near by rock she let the sweat roll down her face and rubbed her cold hands against her boiling, burnt, bare feet.

"I'm going to skin that thing when i find them" Alvena mumbled under her breathe. a part of her meant it and a part didn't.

she took this time of rest to interrogate her scarred body, big and little scars littered her hands and legs. somehow she could bring herself to remember each and every way she earned them.

Thankfully, Alvena always wore something comfortable, and red. comfortable for her came in the form of a thick red, fitting, sleeveless turtle neck - which she was regretting right now as her neck was drenched in sweat - and baggy dark red pants that stopped above her knee, a black over skirt that cover around her butt and stopped at her hips, only to have a long piece reconnect and fall down between her legs. (imagine the fire nation pants Katara wears in one of the seasons)

and she knew she would further regret her clothing when night rolled around and the sand cools, she was warm but she had no fire source to keep her warmer if she didn't get out of there.

pulled from her reverie by the sound of boisterous laughter she looked around, spotting a formation of rocks and coming straight towards it was a giant lizard, oh and a boy on a camel.

"what the actual fuck is that?" she asked herself. the distance between her and the hedge was pretty small, from her spot she could vaguely see an opening in the formation and a small group of people standing inside. it would take her less then 30 seconds to sandbend herself over there.

"maybe i can ask them for directions?" she seemed to agree with her own statement and got up before throwing her hands into a series of formations as the sand beneath her feet picked up and pushed her forward.

all Alvena could make out of the group was hair colours and the giant lizard still chasing the camel and boy. from her incoming positions she could hear shouts, screams and the same boisterous laughter as before.

then she saw a flying figure. wait that's three. and then the lizard goes down.

"must've been pretty weak, they don't need my help then i guess." Alvena stoped her bending and settled a while away and out of sight of the peculiar group.

"- ACE LOOK OUT" she heard a scream. another one, as she bended a few feet forward again she saw a man with a cowboy hat standing calmly with another one of the funny lizards behind him.

the lizard went up in flames before she could even try to help. was he a firebender? why would a firebender be in the desert?

much went over her head in a conversation between the group, her still unnoticed and then they were moving on.

"guess ill just follow them" and with that, she bended herself into the sand, her head above the sand, and began following the group.

☽ t i m e s k i p ☾

Alvena had followed the group for a considerable amount of time. something occured to her as she went, this desert looked different, these people looked completely irregular, their hair colours ranged from all different colours. although something she found even more strange was the reindeer that was speaking; sure she had seen some questionable creatures but the reindeer transforming into a burly fur covered man shocked her further.

she didn't have much time to process it though when she suddenly felt a pull on her top and she was thrown into a fight with a dark haired girl with- was that an umbrella in her hair?

she seemed to mostly use hand to hand and so Alvena felt no use in bending and continued to dodge her advances diligently.

by the time the stranger was somewhat exhausted by her constant attacks she finally managed to slip out a few words.

"will you stop dodging!" she yelled

"you're attacking me!" i argued, though i felt a smile tinge to my cheeks as i watched her frustration grow.

"who are you!" she asked, this time she was calmer, and her attacks had slowed considerably, my dodging had stopped when she stopped from the exhaustion of her 10 minutes of relentless attacks.

"normally when you meet someone you introduce yourself first, it's called common curtesy" i reasoned, my lips curling further upwards as she creased her eyebrows.

"rasa. that's all, now who are you?" she had calmed down much more at this point  but her voice went a few octaves higher.

"my name is-" and i felt something similar to a chi blocking hit the back of my neck and i fell paralysed.

that is the end of the prolouge! this was all pretty boring and generic stuff and a pretty short chapter; i promise it will get longer and better as i go on. im pretty sure most one piece fans have figured out were we are in the story line by now, i tried not to make it too vague but this is from a perspective of a person who doesn't know the world so im going to try to keep it pretty realisitc in those terms.

have a good morning/afternoon/night and ill see you in another chapter !


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