Chapter Seven

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Luna's POV:

"Luna? Luna.. LUNA!"

"Huh, what?"

"Girl, are you okay? You've been staring off into space for the past 10 minutes now."

"Uh, yeah, Tina I'm fine."

"Oh really? Let's see, for a straight A student, you haven't been writing down any of the notes for this class yet."

"What? No, I have. See." I held up my Calculus notebook to show her.

"Um, Luna. You're showing me a blank page."

"Seriously?" I turned the book towards me, and sighed. She was right. I zoned out through half the period, and I haven't been writing down any notes.

"Here, you can copy my notes." She shoved her notebook to my side of our desk. I started copying her notes, and I didn't understand half of the crap I wrote down, which was unlike me.

"Tina, what the hell does this mean?" I pointed to some complicated problem that dealt with Sine, Cosine, and Tangent.

"How the hell should I know? I'm the one whose barely passing this class. Hey, are you okay? You're usually always on top of things, but ever since the day started, you've been in your own world."

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking of some things, that's all."

"Oh, did something interesting happen over break? Tell me, tell me." She jumped up and down in her seat like how a little kid would.

"Oh yeah, something interesting did happen over break." I thought to myself. "But, I can't tell her what." I tapped my pencil on the desk, trying to figure out what to tell her. "Uh, well, not really happened over break. I mean, my sister gave Griffin and I an 'okay' to go out to the mall yesterday."

"You're kidding, right!? Your sister never lets you go out anywhere."

"No duh. I was as shocked as you."

"You know, I don't know how you deal with her, Luna. If that were me, I'd be a total rebel."

"Tina, you are a rebel." I pointed out. She was so rebellious, she was probably the queen of all teenage rebels.

"Hahaha, I know."

I shook my head at her, and gave her notebook back. I tried to pay attention to the rest of the class, but it was hard for me to follow what was going on since I already missed so much. It was a good thing that my teacher didn't call on me to answer any problems. Once the bell rang, I said bye to Tina, and went to my locker to put some stuff away. Since the school day was over, and I didn't have much homework, I might as well just put the notebooks that I won't be needing tonight in there.

I made my way to my car not long after, and waited for my little brother. I saw him walking out from the building while talking to some girl that seemed really interested in whatever he was saying.

"It's your first day back and you're already attracting more girls than I am. I had a feeling that you'd be a pimp once you became a freshman." I teased my brother once he and the girl got close to the car.

"Luna, stop it! You're so embarrassing." His face turned red. "And, this isn't my girlfriend or anything. She's just a friend, who happens to be female. This is Carmen, and Carmen this is my annoying olde sister, Luna."

"Oh, hey. I know you. You're the new girl that I met in the locker room today."

"Yeah, that's me." Carmen said in a low voice.

"Listen, Carmen, I suggest you stay away from Griffin. He's a trouble maker. Not to mention a huge player."

"Am not!" Griffin whined. "And besides, we have at least two classes together. It's going to be almost impossible for her to stay away from me."

"Haha, okay Casanova, don't get too confident in yourself over there. Now come on, we got to go home. Carmen, do you need a ride?"

"Um, no. My sister should be coming to pick me up soon."

Just as she said that, we saw a striking black Toyota Corolla pull up next to us. The person in the driver's seat rolled the window down. She was wearing sunglasses, even though her windows were already tinted, and we could hear her music playing in the car. She wasn't blasting it, but it was loud enough for us to hear. I felt like I was in one of those Men in Black movies.

"Carmen." The girl took off her glasses, revealing her mesmerizing green eyes. "Get in."

"Sapphire? I thought Topaz was coming for me."

"Yeah, well there was a change of plans." Suddenly, she paused and looked in my direction. My heart stopped a little, and for a moment I forgot how to breathe. "Hey, you." She motioned towards me. "I know you. You're the clumsy girl I bumped into you this morning."

"Uh, yeah.. Sorry about that."

"Don't be. We all have those kind of moments." She flashed a smile at me. God, this girl was gorgeous.

"Oh, yeah. Sapphire, this is Luna. Luna, this is my sister, Sapphire. She's the one I told you about earlier, remember?"

"Oh, so you guys talked about me, huh? That's funny. It's been two years since I dropped out of this place, and it seems like nobody can keep their name out of my mouth." The girl, Sapphire, sighed. "But, I mean, if cute girls like you are talking about me, then I guess I don't mind."

I couldn't help but to blush at that comment.

"Ugh, I'm getting in the car." Griffin said in disgust. "I'll see you tomorrow, Carmen." He was always jealous, because girls are always hitting on me, but not him.

"And, uh, who was that kid?" Sapphire asked.

"Oh, that was just my little brother Griffin. As far as I know, Carmen and Griffin are in the same class together."

'Really?" Sapphire turned to her little sister. "I hope you don't get any ideas any time soon."

"Alright, alright." Carmen whined as she got in the passenger seat. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't try to change the subject or anything." She told Carmen as she put her sunglasses on. I took that as a sign to get in my car, so I started walking away from them.

"Hey, Luna." She shouted out before I reached my car.


"I hope I get the chance to bump into you again sometime. Not literally though." And with that, she rolled up her window and drove away.

I couldn't help but to smile like how a toddler would when their parents would buy them a package of candy.

"Come ON Luna." My brother honked the car horn at me.

"You keep doing that and I will leave you here, and you'll end up sleeping on the sidewalk." I threatened him as I entered my car. He stopped of course, and was silent for the ride home. Although, he kept glancing at me, because every so often I'd be smiling like crazy. I don't know what it was about that girl, but there was something about her that made me want to know more about her.


I don't know if I ever mentioned what kind of car Sapphire owned prior to this chapter. I was too lazy to go back and check. I don't want her to have 2 different cars though lol. But, I feel like I assigned her a Jaguar, or something. Oh well, now she has a hot looking Toyota. xD

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