Chapter Two

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Sapphire's POV:

"Sapphire!? Dude, come on, wake up!"

"Mmm, go away."

"I'm serious, sis, get the hell up. NOW!"

I tried to bury my head in my pillow to drown out the voice of my brother yelling, but he pulled the blanket that was covering me off.

"Zev, what the hell!?" I popped my head up, and practically yelled.

"Sapphire, I'm not here to play games. Our grandmother just called me like 5 minutes ago. She wants to talk to us, ASAP."

"Um, I'm not talking to her." I grabbed the blanket out of my brother's hands and put it over my head.

"Ugh." Was all he said, and before I knew it, he had shoved me out of my comfortable bed.

"Ow, okay! I'm up. I'll go get ready, but don't expect me to say anything to her." I shot him the death look.

"Just hurry up!" He shouted before entering his room.

"Just hurry up." I mocked him. I grabbed my soap, toothbrush, and towel and made my way to the bathroom. After my shower, I went back in my room to turn on my flat iron. While I waited for it to heat up, I chose an outfit for me to wear. I found a red t-shirt and black skinny jeans to wear. Then, I did my make up and finally fixed my hair. I grabbed my phone that was resting on my pillow, and made my way downstairs.

I saw my brother along with my two sisters, Artemis and Topaz, sitting in the living room. As soon as I passed them to get into the living room, they all looked at me like I had three heads.

"Well, good morning to you too." I yelled as I opened the fridge to grab the milk.

"Sapphire, where were you last night?" My oldest sister, Topaz, asked.

"You mean besides the boring family meeting? Uh, I was at a friend's house."

"Is this friend a possible fuck buddy of yours." My other sister asked.

"Possibly. Why?"

"What do you mean why!?" Topaz yelled as she slammed her hands against the kitchen counter. "All of us were supposed to be at that meeting yesterday, and because you weren't, we all gotin trouble for you."

"My bad." Was all I said as I walked back into the living room.

Topaz was still following me, and once I sat on the nearby couch, she stood in front of me with her arms crossed and her left foot tapping. "Sapphire, what were you doing at your friend's house that was oh so important that you needed to skip this meeting?"

"Uh.. Ha, I don't think you want to know."

"I told you she was on a fucking spree yesterday." Artemis stepped in.

"I didn't even say that Artemis, so shut the fuck up." I placed my bowl on the coffee table, and stood up, pushing Topaz out of the way.

"What are you going to do about it, huh?" She stood right in front of my face.

"Enough you two." Zev broke us apart. "Especially you Artemis. I don't want you two to shift and then you end up killing her."

"Zev's right." Topaz uncrossed her arms. "The last fight was horrible. Artemis, you almost ripped Sapphire apart. We're siblings. We fight, but we don't kill each other."

"It was her fault in the first place." My sister relaxed and stepped back.

I still stood my ground, because knowing Artemis, she could easily change her mind and attack.

"Sapphire, relax." Zev broke my train of thought. "Let's just go see our grandmother and get this over with. Come on you guys." My brother grabbed his car keys and headed out the door. I was right behind him.

"You guys go on. Artemis and I will take my car." Topaz shouted before I shut the door. That was probably the best thing to do, considering the fact that Artemis and I weren't on good terms this morning.

Guess I might as well pause here and properly introduce myself. As you can tell, I'm Sapphire. I'm one out of many siblings, and I've been told that I'm the youngest. I'm 18, and I unfortunately live with my two sisters and brother. Topaz is 29, Artemis is 23, and Zev is 25. Topaz is my only full sibling, the other two are half siblings. My mother died when I was 16 due to severe dementia, and as for my father... He died trying to kill a family of werewolf hunters.

Yeah, werewolf hunters. Just like vampire hunters, only they kill werewolves. Considering the fact that 99.9% of my family are werewolves, it was necessary, so my father died with "Honor." I don't see him as a hero though. He abandoned all of his kids (most of the siblings that I don't even know), including myself. I was the only one who tried to put up with him, but all he did was treat me like I was nothing, not to mention that he abused me as a child. No wonder he wasn't the alpha of our whole pack, my mother was instead.

Now that she's gone, my grandmother took the position. But, now she's getting to old to handle the job.. I'm next in line, but nobody in the pack, excluding my siblings, like me very much, because I have a horrible attitude. But, I really could care less. After having a horrible childhood, and having both of your parents dead, a person's personality can change dramatically.

Anyway, I got in the passenger seat of my brother's car, and told him that our sister's would meet us there later. He nodded and drove to our destination which was the middle of a forest. We hopped out of the car, and not soon after we noticed that our grandmother was over to the side sitting on a boulder.

"Come closer, I won't bite" She said in her innocent voice. She turned and locked eyes with me right away.

I stayed in place at first, but inched forward when I noticed my brother moving closer.

"Tell me," she started, "where are the others?"

"They should be here soon." Zev answered.

"Good. Now, Sapphire, where were you last night?" Her voice changed from innocent to annoyance.

"It's none of your business."

"I believe it is my business. We had an important meeting yesterday with the whole pack, and because of your foolishness, you're brothers and sisters got punished for your actions."

"So I've heard. What was so important about this meeting anyway? We talk about the same thing every time. How was this one any different? And, what exactly did they have to do as punishment?"

"Trust us," Artemis answered from behind me with Topaz, "you don't want to know."

"So, now that you're all here," My grandmother started again, "should I tell her, or will one of you explain it to her?"

Zev stepped forward. "I'll tell her."

"Good. Now," She jumped off of the boulder she was sitting on. "if you'll excuse me, I'm heading home. I have an important conference with one of the elders." With that she turned to look at me one last time before disappearing into the forest.

"Okay, will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Sapphire," my brother took a deep breath, "the elders were able to track down another one of our siblings. It's a girl, and she's younger than you, surprisingly."

"Well, that's good, isn't it?"

I looked around, and everyone shifted they're focus to the ground. I turned towards my brother. "What? What is it?"

"You're not next in line to be Alpha... She is."

Hey, I just met you.
And, this is crazy.
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