Chapter Thirty-Three

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Sapphire's POV

It was almost dawn. After I woke up, I had made a risky decision to travel over to see how my former pack was doing. I wasn't going to make my presence known, I was just going to observe and see how things are doing.

When I reached my former homeland, I took it upon myself to hide behind some bushes. I probably didn't even need to hide myself. There wasn't anyone outside guarding the area.

Nothing was going on, and I was starting to get bored after a few minutes. I was about to turn around and go back home, but then I saw Zev and Topaz walk out from their house. My brother stretched himself out, turned to tell Topaz something, then shifted into his wolf. He ran off somewhere deep in the woods.

Topaz walked off, but then returned with Alisha who was walking perfectly fine now. In the corner of my eye, I saw my grandmother and Elder Keith approach them. They started to converse. I inched a little closer to hear what they were saying.

"Alisha," my grandmother started off, "Are you fully recovered?"

"Yes Elder Elizabeth. I've made a full recovery."

"Excellent, so you'll be ready to assist in battle by this hour tomorrow?"

Alisha nodded.

Topaz and Elder Keith looked at my grandmother in confusion.

"I thought you said we would strike in three days." Topaz asked.

"That I did."

"So, we should attack the day after tomorrow, not tomorrow morning." My sister pointed out.

"I've discussed this over with most of the other Elders." My grandma turned to look at Elder Keith. "You were absent during this meeting. I believe you had your hands full, so I figure I shouldn't disturb you."

Elder Keith nodded.

"Anyway, the majority of us agreed that 99% of the pack are all ready to fight. We don't need an extra day to train and prepare, so we attack tomorrow."

My sister sighed. "Fine, tomorrow it is."

My eyes widened. We won't be ready by tomorrow. We still need time to prepare.

As silently as I could, I left the premises, and ran back to my territory. I took some time to shift back to my human form and catch some breath. Then, I snuck up into my room without anyone seeing me butt naked. I figured I should at least wait for everyone to get up before do tell them what I found out.

I entered my room, and noticed Luna sleeping on the bed. She was hugging one of my pillows as if it was me. I instantly remembered the little argument that happened between us earlier. I guess what I did and said wasn't necessary. I hope I can find a way to make it up to her.

Before I did that though, I put on a white tank top, and black boy shorts. Then, I climbed into bed, and gently tore the pillow out of Luna's hands. She softly groaned in her sleep. I felt a grin form on my face. I brushed some of her dark brown hair back and kissed her forehead.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I whispered while gently shaking her shoulder.

"Mmm, Sapphire?" Luna slowly opened her eyes and faced me.

"Hey." Was all I could say.

Luna sat up with the blanket still covering her lower half. I did too and sat directly across from her. "Where did you run off to? I've been worried sick all night." She claimed while rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just went to calm myself down. I didn't want our argument to escalate further and risk me hurting you due to anger."

Luna was now fully awake. "You could've at least let me explain myself before storming off like that."

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