Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Jen's POV

When we made it to the hospital, my sister, along with her friend, jumped out from the car, and followed the wolves into the building.

Griffin and I stepped out and examined the area. We were in a small town located next to our main city. It was populated heavily with wolves. I instantly felt a little uneasy. Some wolves can spot a hunter with No problem, while it takes others a while to notice. I didn't feel safe here at all.

My nerves calmed down though when I saw Artemis and the rest of the crew appear from the corner of my eye.

Carmen ran over to Griffin and tackled him to the ground, nuzzling him with affection. Artemis came over to me and rubbed her head against one of my free hands. Darcy immediately went into the hospital while Sam, Lily, and Jack remained outside.

I was confused at our numbers. Before today, I was sure we had more allies with us. "What happened to everyone else?" I asked Artemis.

She lowered her head an looked to the ground. I knew then why our numbers had dwindled down.

"Where is she?" Artemis quickly asked, changing the subject.

"She's inside. She wasn't looking too good when we got here." I said, turning to the building. "Luna went inside to stay with her. I'd go in myself, but I highly doubt I'd be comfortable in there."

"I get it. There are some in there that are trained to spot out any potential dangers. Makes sense since this is a hospital." Artemis brushed her head against my hand. "Lets go in. Just stay close to me."

I followed her inside, and Griffin and Carmen were behind us. Once we entered the building, my brother and I were immediately met with vicious glares. Artemis growled at the patients, nurses, and any other faculty that stared at us.

Artemis asked for directions as to where her sister could be. We were led into a few hallways then we came across another waiting room. There, we saw a nurse along with two guards giving Luna a hard time.

"Please, that's my girlfriend in there." My sister begged. "You have to let me see her!"

"I find it highly unlikely that you'd be in a relationship with one of our kind. Get out of here before things get ugly."

"She's telling the truth." Darcy, who was now in her human form defended my sister.

"Why are you siding with this hunter?" One of the guards asked.

"Because she's not your stereotypical 'annihilate all werewolves' kind of girl."

Artemis went towards the scene and confronted the nurse. She, and her two guards tensed up at her tone. They were also surprised to see Griffin and I like all the other wolves here.

Finally, the three of them surrendered, but they stated that Sapphire was still being treated on, so it would be a while before anyone could see her.

Josh, Greg, Rachel, and Devin all appeared my the hallway next to us. The three shifters were now human again, so I assumed they disappeared so that they could get dressed in private.

About an hour went by, and we all sat in the emergency room. Finally, the doctor came out, and announce that only family member could go in, and her significant other. The rest of us had to stay put.

Artemis, Carmen, and Luna all went inside, while the rest of us stayed behind.

Artemis' POV

Upon entering the room where my sister was, her mate automatically rushed over to her.

Sapphire was sitting up on a bed with only a pair of jeans and a tank top on. You could see the bandages that had been wrapped around her arms, and I had no doubt there were some around her torso. She flinched once Luna wrapped herself around her.

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