Chapter Three

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Sapphire's POV:

I was running. I don't know where to, but I just kept running.

I had lost it when my brother told me that I wasn't going to be the future Alpha, even though I was told a thousand times that I was next in line. I was so furious I almost attacked Zev, and my sisters. I heard them calling my name, telling me to calm down once my wolf took over, but for their safety I just ran away. I'd make my way home eventually, just not at this moment. I needed to calm myself down first, before I end up injuring somebody, or get myself in trouble.

I had a secret hideout where I stayed whenever I needed to be alone. Some might call it a clubhouse, but it's not our average house made out of twigs and sticks that has a wooden ladder attached to a tree. It's an actual everyday average sized house, but it was located in the middle of a forest, almost in the middle of nowhere. It was the perfect spot, to me at least. I decided to navigate my way there.

I was pretty quick with my feet, so what would've taken 30 minutes took about 10 to 15 minutes. Most humans wouldn't be able to run continuously like that, but being a werewolf gives us the advantage. We just have a bigger lung capacity.

I stuck out my index claw and played with the lock on the door, I was capable of unlocking the front door, and entered. I shifted back into human once I reached inside, and went upstairs to the room that I had claimed as my own, even though nobody else shared this place with me... At least not anymore.There were a total of 3 bedrooms in this place. There was a small living room that had a TV set and everything. Yeah, I'm in the middle of nowhere and I can still get reception in this place. There was a small kitchen, 2 bathrooms, basement and attic.

I opened the closet in my room, and pulled out my outfit. A red t-shirt with two blue diagonal stripes and a pair of black skinny jeans to go with them.
I was still a little frustrated after I was done getting dressed, so I just decided to hang out on the living room couch, and play some kind of game my iPod Touch. I didn't feel like going out anywhere, because I was too lazy. I used all my energy just getting to this place.

Once I made my way towards the couch, I pulled out my iPod and decided to play Temple Run. Yeah, I know it's old news, but it's still addicting, and it passes time. I played for about 5 minutes, and I felt my anger dying down.

"Ugh, why am I so easily angered?" I asked myself.

"It's your hormones." My wolf responded. "Or, maybe you need to sleep it off. Yeah, go with the second option."

I went with the second option like my wolf told me to do. I put my iPod on the nearby coffee table, made myself comfortable on the couch, and rested my eyes.

Artemis' POV:

"Ugh, I knew this was a bad idea!" Zev was pacing around in circles, cursing himself out. "We should've never had told her!"

"She was going to find out sooner or later." Topaz stood in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

"Yeah." I stepped in. "Besides, it's her fault she didn't attend the pack meeting the other night. I say let her run off like the sensitive attention seeking baby that she is."

My brother and my sister both looked at me with disgust in their eyes. "Artemis," my sister spoke first, " Sapphire is your sister too, could you at least try to act concerned for her?"

"No." I simply replied.

"Wow, as a 23 year old, I'd expect you to act more mature, Artemis." My brother said. "You know what, forget it. Now's not the time to be scolding each other. We have to split up and look for her before she gets herself in danger. Topaz, check with other pack members in our territory, and see if they've seen her or at least picked up her scent. Artemis, I want you to scan the forest, see if she's anywhere nearby. I'll check back in town to see if she headed home, or went to a friend's house."

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