Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Luna's POV

I wasn't too sure what was currently happening. My siblings and I stood behind Sapphire, who was facing her grandmother. All of a sudden though, three other wolves had appeared. I wasn't sure if they were allies or not.

"Luna!" A female voice called from behind us.

I turned to see who was calling me. "R-Rachel? What are you doing here?"

My friend ran into me, embracing me like she hadn't seen me in years. "Im here with Devin, and two other guys... I think their names were Greg and Josh?"

"But, why are you here?"

"Some girl named Darcy asked for my boyfriend's help, along with Josh and Greg. I just tagged along." She motioned to the grey wolf when she mentioned Greg, and the brown one when she said Josh's name. Rachel shrugged as if this was some sort of field trip.

"You shouldn't even be here." I protested. "It's too dangerous for you."

Just then, Rachel pulled out a small gun from behind her. I looked at her with wide eyes. "Devin gave it to me." She explained. "He gave it to me around the same time when he told me he was a wolf. He said that if I ever came across any other wolves looking to harm me, and if he's not around to protect me, I can shoot them with this baby. It only paralyzes them though, not kill them, and it has no effect on humans."

"How did he get a hold of a gun like that?" My sister asked. "That's something hunters use, not wolves or a regular human like you... No offense."

Rachel glared at Jen. Then she cleared her throat and turned her attention back to me. "Devin has his ways." Was all she said. "Anyway, going off track a little, but..." Rachel pulled down her shirt a bit to expose the skin on her neck.

I examined her and saw a bite mark that still looked fresh. "Oh my god, did he mark you?"

Rachel nodded. "Only a few days ago though. My parents are away in vacation, so I've been seeing him often. One day, things just happened, and he marked me. Ever since then, he hasn't left my side. Which is partly the reason why I'm here."

I nodded, understanding why Rachel was here. Sapphire didn't want to leave my side at all when she marked me, but her protectiveness eventually died down. Devin must still be paranoid about leaving his girlfriend's side though.

"So, you guys seem to be in a little but if a pickle. Whats happening?"

"It's a long story." I waved my hand off. "Right now, Sapphire is facing her grandmother in battle, but she doesn't seem to be doing well so far."

"Good thing we came." Rachel smiled. She looked over at the group of wolves.

The white wolf looked back at us and nodded. I was assuming that it was Devin. I turned back to Rachel. 'What did you tell him?"

"Well, I've only met your girlfriend a few times, but she seems like the type that would want little to no interference when she has business to take care of."

"You're right on that part."

"I just told Devin to help out when needed, but leave most of this fight to Sapphire." She paused. "That's her right, the black one?"

I nodded.

"She's huge... Like, muscular huge. Her wolf is charming. I mean, with her personality, I wouldn't expect her wolf to be like this."

Sapphire turned around and snorted. "Tell your friend to shut the fuck up."

Devin growled at Sapphire. She lowered her ears in shock. I couldn't understand what he was saying, but it made Rachel laugh.

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]Where stories live. Discover now