Chapter Ten

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Just so you guys aren't confused or anything, this first part is a flashback.


"Come on, this way."

"Babe, where are you taking me?"

"I'm not telling you. It's a surprise."

"You're not taking me to my death, are you?"

"Of course not. Just trust me on this."

Artemis was pulling Jen by her arm, dragging her deep into the forest, away from the camp site Jen's family was staying at. Jen was supposed to be out searching for more wood for a fire and supervising her other two siblings, but she instead, wandered around with her girlfriend.

"Seriously Artemis, where are we going? When my parents find out that I wandered off somewhere, I'll be in huge trouble."

"They won't find out." Artemis stopped walking and turned to look at Jen. "We're here." She motioned to a medium sized house.

Jen gawked at the sight in front of her. "First off, is that a house? In the middle of the forest? We're like no where near the main city."

"Yeah, I know. My dad's brother used to own this place. It was originally an average tree house, but he worked on it some more, and made this. Come on, I'll show you the inside."

The two walked inside the house. It was a nice place, Jen had to admit. "This is impressive. Your uncle did a nice job."

"I know right. This place has cable and everything. You wouldn't expect that since it's located far from the city." Artemis said while sitting herself down on a nearby couch. Jen sat next to her, making herself comfortable in her girlfriend's arms. "You know, my sister and I used to come here all the time."

"Which one?"


"Really? But, don't you two argue all the time."

"Yeah we do, but this was before she got all cocky about being the next Alpha. We actually got along pretty well when we were younger. We'd come here all the time just to hang out. I even helped her out with the whole inner animal thing when she first started shifting."

"Aw, so cute. Bonding with your sister." Jen teased. "I wouldn't expect that from somebody as cold hearted as you.

"Oh shut up, I'm not cold hearted. You can be so mean, you know that?"

"Well, I get it from you." Jen played with her girlfriends hair, and smiled softly at her.

They stared at each other for awhile, concentrating on each other's eyes. Slowly they leaned in, with their lips meeting halfway. Their hands roamed each other's body, and soft moans filled the small room they were located in. Jen tugged gently on Artemis' hair as their kiss deepened, and soon she found herself being pinned down onto the couch they were sitting on.

"Artemis, you know we can't do this now."

"Oh come on, just a quickie. Please?'' Artemis begged.

"No, you know I'm not even supposed to be with you. If I go back, my parent's are bound to know I was fooling around with you. They do have sharp senses, so they'll be able to track any scent you leave on me."

"That's never stopped you before."

Jen bit her lip, pondering on what she should do. "Fine." She finally answered. "But, just a quickie, okay?"

Artemis' grey eyes lit up with joy. It had been a while since the two had some privacy together, and she wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste. She eagerly reached for her own shirt, and managed to pull it off over her head. Jen gawked in amazement at the site in front of her. It wasn't the first time she's admired Artemis' nice toned stomach, but it's been too long since she's seen them.

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]Where stories live. Discover now