Chapter Five

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Artemis' POV:

When I returned home with Sapphire, I laid her down on her bed. I went in my room, shifted back to human, and got a new pair of clothes to put on. When I was dressed, I went to see if either Topaz or Zev were home yet.

"Zev?" I called out. "Topaz? Guys, is anyone home?" I wandered all about the house, but nobody else was home. "Great." I sighed. "Guess I'll just play my luck with the emergency kit." I was about to head back to Sapphire's room, but I heard a knock on the door. "Oh, maybe that's them." I silently hoped.

Boy, was I dead wrong.

"Good afternoon, Artemis."

"Oh, h-hey g-ma. Haven't seen you in a while."

"I saw you this morning." She pointed out as she tried to make her way inside of the house.

"Heh, yeah, I knew that. S-so, uh, what brings you here?"

"I came here to announce that I have found your long lost sister. Artemis, meet Carmen. Carmen, meet one of you're older and responsible sisters, Artemis." A teenage girl, about 15 years old, stepped out from behind the old geezer. With the amount of fear that her eyes were showing, it seemed like this girl was looking out for the next World War.

"Um, hi?" I awkwardly reached out, attempting to shake her hand.

"Hello..." She responded, and shook my hand. Her voice was high pitched, and it matched her face. Strange thing to say, I know, but she reminded me of one of those peppy girls you'd find back in high school... Only more shy.

Well, she defiantly has our mother's looks. Seriously though, she was like an exact copy of our mom. Just like Sapphire, she had really dark brown, almost black hair. She also had grey eyes, but the were a little lighter than mine. She was also shorter than me. She was only about 5 foot, but I guess that's okay, because I heard she was only 15 years old.

"Well now, look at that, you two are already bonding." My grandmother laughed. This situation was awkward, and with Sapphire being right upstairs, it would be complete disaster if she woke up. If Sapphire saw Carmen, all hell would brake loose.

"Look, um, I'm pleased to meet you and all, Carmen. But, g-ma, you guys can't stay at the moment."

"Why not? Wouldn't you like to get to know your sister more?"

"Yeah, I would, but now's just not a good time."

"And, why is that?"

"Well, Sapphire's right upstairs. I mean, after how she acted this morning, I don't think it's a good idea for you two to be here right this moment."

"Nonsense, I think this would be a great opportunity to Carmen to get adjusted to her new life with us. Besides, she is going to be living with you guys from now on."

My jaw dropped all the way to the floor. This lady is crazy! She knows how Sapphire is. She's just gonna end up ripping this girl to pieces.

"Now come on," My grandmother urged us both to sit down on the living room couch, "We have much to discuss."

Luna's POV:

I was laying on my bed while my little brother was watching TV in my room. I was in deep thought with what happened not too long ago. This isn't the first time that we've been targeted by wolves, but this is all too confusing. And, I'm starting to think that my sister knows something that Griffin and I don't, and she's hiding it from us. The fact that my sister was communicating with a wolf.. I don't even know if they classify as wolves, because one of them turned back into a human.

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