Harry's POV
I'm not sure what just happened but I do know she's coming to met Gemma and she seems a little less apprehensive, now she's worked out it was my sister, not another girl with me.
How could she think that any male would need another women if she was his?
If she were mine, she would be more then enough, forever.
She must have realised I'm slowing my walk down a little pre-occupied with what just happened.I grab her hand and loop my fingers around hers. She looks up at me and smirks.
I love the attitude she has, her exterior is much harder then her beautiful interior.
I pull her into to the cafe and my sister turns her face around over her shoulder and starts.."Harry is everything ok?" She looks stressed and I don't want her to be and more then she can be.I pull a chair over for Echo, my sister is smiling now. "So this must be Echo, how are you love?" She asks and Echo gives me a stare, as if to say, "what's with the Love?" I just smile at her and pull her hand into mine.
Echo smiles at Gemma and nods lightly. She takes a sip of her coffee, that must be cold by now, so I order her another."Harry tells me you're an artist, I've always loved art but I can't produce anything, not even a scribble" Gemma laughs and smiles at me. I love seeing my sister be happy, and at this point both of them smiling makes the fight more worth it.
"There's some of my art" Echo points to the framed charcoals on the walls, she then looks at me shyly.
"Wow that's incredible, you are as good as my brother says" Gemma answers and I cringe when she's given away the more frequent conversations we've had about Echo.The hot coffee arrives and these two hit it off, talking, smiling and laughing along. This is heaven, I couldn't be happier.
After a second coffee, Echo begins to excuse herself, but I'm not buying it. She stands and Gemma stands to give her a hug, Echo gives her number to my sister, just in case she ever needs to talk.
"Um I've got things on Harry, why don't you be a gentleman and walk Echo home?" Says my sister. I can see she's doing this for me, so I pull her into a hug and tell her I'll see her later.After their good byes, Echo and I walk a few blocks to her place. We are standing on the steps outside her building, both looking at each other without speaking, when she leans into me and starts kissing me gentle at first, but when I place my arms around her waist, the urgency changes and gets stronger. Our tongues loop around each other's and move around together in sync.
She stops and takes a deep breath, "Do you want to come in?" She asks and I know she wants me too. I nod my head and she take my hand and pulls me up the stairs and inside the building.We take the stairs and before getting to the second story, she pushes me against the wall and kisses me feverishly with so much want, I think I may explode. She wraps her arms around my hips and they find there way under my shirt. Her fingernails graze my skin as we try to walk up the stairs, not stopping our kissing frenzy. She moans into my mouth when I take my hand under her sweatshirt, my fingers trail up her spine and back down gently. Her sweet moan makes me stop, if we don't I'm going to want to take her right now and right here. She pulls away and we reach her floor and front door.
She fumbles with the keys to open the door. As soon as we have entered, we continue kissing one another. I kiss and suck on her ear lobe and down her neck. She moans again and I stop to look at her eyes, her eyes are large and dilated. She smiles and it's a little more sexy then normal. I remember how she looked in the shower when she was at her peak and I can't see we both can't wait any longer.
She pulls me into the room I slept in, I wonder why we aren't using her room but I don't question her now. I peel off her hoodie and she rips off my jacket and quickly undoes my shirt buttons. We both take off our shoes and jeans and then I sit back on the bed and pull her onto me.
She looks amazing in her pale pink bra and undies but I can't stop and admire them, so I help her out of them. She is sitting on my lap now and there is only the thin material of my boxers between us, too much for my liking. I pull them off and discard them on the floor.
"So what do you want to do now?" I ask her with a lopsided smile on my face, I make my eyes pop as I try and purposely avoid her kiss.
"Not playing hard to get, that's for sure Harry" she pants.
"Mmm sounds like a plan love" I answer into her mouth because it's crashed into mine and our kisses have more of an urgency now.I bend down and grab a condom from my wallet, rip it open, and slide it on. She's still on top of me so I thrush myself into her and feel her tense up immediately. The look she gives me is devilish, and I can't tear my eyes away from hers.
We find a nice rhythm and we both rock back and forth, kissing each others lips, neck and anywhere else we can reach. She groans and pulls her hair back as its gently swaying above my head.
This drives me insane and I rock a little harder knowing we are both at a nearing point. Our breaths sharpen and our moaning of each other's name drive us to pick up the speed a little, she moans my name repeatedly and I'm done for.
I second later I feel her tense up when I say her name slowly and sensual in her ear, she lets herself go.
We rock our bodies until I feel her lay into my arms, and I couldn't imagine not ever having this women in my life, one way or another.

Life in the middle-Harry Styles Fanfic AU COMPLETED
FanfictionA Harry Styles fan fiction- Echo is stuck, stuck in the middle of life before 'it' happen and after. Her life has been spilled out before her and it's time to take back some control. Until she meets Harry and life changes again, she's just not sure...