I lay against Harry and feel his arms hugging me closely. I'm out of breath but so is he.
I can't help but smile and mentally give myself a Hi-5, it's been a year since I've been intimate with anyone, I lift my body to look at him.
My thoughts seem to take my full attention because it takes me a while to hear my name and stop day dreaming.
"Echo, love, what's on your mind?" He asks me with a tiny frown on his gorgeous face. Those eyes and that dimpled smile, I could not get enough of looking at him."I'm fine, just thinking" I answer laying my head back in his chest and trace around the anatomical heart on his left arm. I wonder why not a love heart? Most of tattoos are mysterious to me, dates, quotes, objects but I'm immersed looking at each piece of art I see. I'm not sure if it's my interest in art that I stare at his inked skin or just him?
He must realise I'm looking at his ink and he pulls me up to sit in his lap, holding my back up with one arm while the other plays with a lock of my brown hair, I lick my bottom lip and he catches me doing this. His finger go immediately to my mouth and his index finger traces around my mouth.
"So what do you want to do with the rest of the day?" He asked me, he voice seems deeper now and even his eyes look a little sleepy.
I can't stop myself from trying to get glimpses of his face without being noticed, it's impossible really.
I rake my right hand through his hair and he closes his eyes and breaths deeply, letting out a sigh when exhaling.
"We could have lunch, together, here, if you want?" I ask him unsure of what he's thinking? He may want to get dressed and leave, I know I've done that, but Harry doesn't seem the type to do that.
"Ok, let's go to the kitchen and see what we can make, love"
He answers and I'm beginning to like the work Love, as a term of endearment from him.
I pull my sweatshirt on and put clean undies and sweat shorts back on, and I turn waiting for him.
Harry slides out of bed and pulls on his boxers and stands extending his arm to the door.
Whoa, ok stop staring Echo, it's rude and invasive. But I just can't help it and besides his eyes are glued to me, I notice.Once in the kitchen we talk about Jinx as he comes in and meows at Harry's legs until I produce food for him. I tell Harry he has an admirer and he beams, showing off his dimples. He has an incredible smile in general and I feel content when he is smiling with me.
We put together a couple of toasted buns with chicken and avocado and I make freshly squeezed juice for us.
As we sit at the chairs around the island bench, my phone rings. I lean over and look at the screen, it's my Mother again, damn that women will not take ignoring for an answer.
I answer the phone and gesture to Harry with my fingers, showing him 2 fingers because that's all I need and can bear to talk to her.
She shocks me and I almost droop my phone when she tells me she's here!, down stairs right now!
I hang up and look frantically at Harry. He doesn't frown or freak out at my stunned face and angry eyes.
"Mother, here, downstairs, right now" I freak out and my anxiety hits the roof.
Harry takes me in his embrace, he's hands wrapt around my waist, I play with my bottom lip.
"Echo, it's going to be ok, it's just a visit, yeah?" He questions in a clearly calm voice.
"No you don't...understand, she is a total bitch, judgemental and shallow" I spit out quickly at him.
He doesn't seem to be phrased, he stands up and grabs my hand pulling me into the spare room, were he picks up my clothes and starts to dress himself, I follow suit and do the same.
"Now" he begins "go and let her in and I'll make some coffee." he kisses my forehead and then gives me a small lingering kiss. I want more, my body wants more but my mothers down stairs. I'll have to deal with her first before I can kiss Harry again. I stop myself from thinking about it any further and I go press the intercoms buzzer, "come on up Mother" I say and I brace myself literally.

Life in the middle-Harry Styles Fanfic AU COMPLETED
FanfictionA Harry Styles fan fiction- Echo is stuck, stuck in the middle of life before 'it' happen and after. Her life has been spilled out before her and it's time to take back some control. Until she meets Harry and life changes again, she's just not sure...