[Character Profile]

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A/N: hey everyone, sorry for the very late update I have been busy for a few months now, but I'll be able to publish a new chapter by the end of Aug and a new story halfway through September.

[Name: Ansalohn|Age: ?]
[Sex: Male(None)|Race: True Archetype]
Titles: Lord Of The Narratives, The True Original Source, Lawmaker, Ein Sof, Etc

Clothes & Appearance:

□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□Powers and Abilities:

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Powers and Abilities:

Sea Of Zero: User can create, be, alter & control the origin of anything. Whether it’s the origin of birth, of events, abilities and powers, etc. An origin is the starting point that defines a person or thing’s existence so by manipulating the origin, users can theoretically achieve anything. They can change the overall structure or nature of anything they desire be it natural and ordinary things or things on the cosmic scale, changing the natural order of things. Skilled users can even add origins to individuals who don’t have them or take them away from individuals so they never had one.

The user can even manipulate their own origins to achieve many results such as becoming immune to Absolute Erasure by becoming the very origin of erasure, therefore bypassing all effects, changing their birth so they were born as something else and more. As nothing really exists without an origin, The user won’t be susceptible to many outside influences, since the users governs over origin they're omnipotent over all origin.

Almighty Creation: The user can create absolutely everything/anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the totality itself. They can also create from nothing or even to create one thing from another e.g. manifesting an image from a comic book, creating life from the dead, and duplicating anything. The user can create basically anything/everything that the users choose on an Unlimited Scale.

The Alpha Plane Of Existence: the user possess limitless power over the Alpha Reality, the one encompassing all realities and their origins, giving the user the omnipotent abilities to create, manipulate and erase all forms of omniversal realities, capable of making the user the most, if not all, powerful being in all of "existence" and "beyond". The Alpha Reality or Reality of Principles is the supreme, prime, and fundamental power that both singly binds the unity behind the diversity in all that exists in the omniverse as the structure of reality and the source that originates/produces other realities in the entire "omniverse".

By its "pataphysical nature/concept" as the highest principle in the totality; it is an absolutely infinite, eternal, and blissful plane that can never change, yet acts as a source that can cause all changes throughout the cosmos and it is the very genesis of thought and the nexus of all realities; it can defy and define the comprehensions to what beings perceive as possible or impossible.

The Alpha Reality is known as the origin or the birthplace that first originated the omniverse, which is understood as a tree that branches all existing realities as a whole, which can make the other realities basically inferior to The Alpha Reality because all first originated from there ultimately making The Alpha Reality infinity far more real and indefinitely superior then any reality that would ever be through everyone's eyes.

All the first realities/universes to have ever born from The Alpha Reality are generally prime reality/universes the first universe to be constructed in their respect multiverses to create other potential universes with different possibilities that originated from the very first. The Alpha Reality can also be a place of grand power for reality warpers, empowering themselves to achieve new levels in their abilities that could dominate their own realities and beyond making them absolutely unmatched by others of lesser realities.

Absolute Prime Source: User is or can become an absolute/perfect/primordial/cosmic source of all existence forever bound and representing the infinite cosmos in creation that binds existence together by its primal power, energy and force and all things that emerges from the source such as time, life, etc. Users have instant and absolute dominion over all things of existence and so that as long as they exist, all that is and everything connected to all things does as well.

Prime sources are a vital power source of the universes it was manifested into, that can be interpreted as physical manifestations of a Supreme Being which all of creation flows in and out of keeping everything going forever as a living source of all things and great supremacy over everything because all of creation came from said source.

Causality Manipulation: The users can manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how. There is no need for a "why" however, as the why of something is determined by causality itself, which is at the users' command, making it one of the few powers that reasonably don't really need a "Reason".

The causal alterations can be either specific or systemic. Specific alterations are momentary ones, naturally ceasing with their realization i.e. Absolute Wish. Systemic Alterations permanently changes the causal structure of reality, enforcing new chains of fate upon it until the user decides otherwise. All forms of existence and phenomena rely on causality. Because of this, the power to manipulate it naturally overrides any other power put against it, as they all rely on "Causality" to absolutely work.

Omega Reality: Users can create, shape, control, and manipulate with absolute authority the Omega Reality, the one encompassing the conclusion/finale to all realities and where all concepts end. Meaning they decide what happens to them all, such as whether or not they cease to exist, become something entirely new, where things all end up, were conflicts are all resolved, and etc. If the Alpha Reality is the origin for all realities and where they start from, then the Omega Reality is where they all end up in after their purpose has been served.

[Metapotence], [Ultipotence], [Etc.]

Love Interest:

A/N: that is all for the bio of the mc, I hope you all have a nice and safe time out there in your homes.

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