Chapter 1

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A/N: sorry for the slow update had been busy for quite sometime now but luckily I manage to gain enough time to write this hope you'll enjoy it.

(Year BC XXXX) (???? POV)

Have you ever got the feeling that after you got knocked out that you feel either something good or bad will happen after waking up? Well to me it is a mix of both.

"Gah!" My eyes jolted wide opened as I was met with sight of a wooden trees that is oddly resembles those of various western civilization back in my old world that was dead for a long time now.

I was still of course daze for a moment from being knocked out after I for suck into the [Origin] my mind and body was suddenly flooded by a vast infinite sea of power and knowledge that mortal beings aren't meant to know.

Then again I wasn't a mortal being, right? Well yes and no, to explain how I am feeling right now about being aware of the entirety of totality I guess? Yep it's definitely totality I am seeing.

It's sheer complexity and intricacies I know and understand. Every facet, sphere, plane, dimension, realm, etc.

It all flash before it was instant and had no time of how long it took for me to absorb everything.

For it all happened instantaneously for me so to did my sense of the world came back and the first thing I did was to order my powers to hold itself along with the knowledge of knowing and seeing everything in some part of me till I called forth it again when needed.

As being all-knowing and all-powerful every moment will attract all sorts of crazies to me, only an idiot would want to flex his/her power just to show-off and gain attention from others.

Such cases tended to escalate rapidly into chaos bringing both good and bad things that would never end.

Kinda like all those verg cliche anime and novels that most Otaku as they are called to read.

I'll prefer to take amore subtle and discreet approach and luckily there is no being other than the [One True God] can screw on me without me knowing of it.

"How unexpected." My words hold truth since I a mere mortal in death was trapped in the cold and endless void for many eons had been rewarded by turning into the "Origin" itself, the source of everything.

Where all began and where all shall return, the swirl that entirety of totality sprung forth, the heart of infinity & eternity itself, and so many titles that I care not to count.

My very being is filled with [Life] every part of me I could feel it and aware of everything that is happening within it.

I am very much speechless with the circumstances I have gotten in, what was I supposed to do now? If i was my past self I would have been overjoyed of the infinite possibilities I could do.

But years of being stuck in the void have change me that my perception of reality, common sense, reason, and logic in a literal sense is very twisted and warped badly that I might as well become the ultimate eldritch nightmare that will scare all of totality for eternity.

"Oh wait I am already such a being." I thought to myself sarcastically, I have to admit there are some great benefits that I have gained from becoming the source of everything.

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