Chapter 4

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(3rd POV)

The first [Abyss War] or also famously known as the [Half-Millenium War] is a long war that was fought in the north, east, and western coastlines of the Siberian Empire.

As Seaborns attack would slowly increase. Making most trading, fishing, etc. To unexpectedly decrease, forcing Siberia to focus on it's coastal cities and navies development before the begining of the first invasion.

In Feb 9, 2340 BC a massive horde of Seaborns would attack the coastlines of Siberia, the sheer size of the invasion was immense but the Siberian Navy manage to hold and repel most of the invading horde.

Though some still manage to pass through the navy and coastal cities defense, attacking smaller cities, villages and towns near the coastline.

Luckily Azure Aegis would be the first to act after their longtime preparation of a possible Seaborn invasion, they manage to destroy the horde before it could manage to reach further inland, the first invasion still devastated a few small cities and multiple towns and villages.

But wouldn't affect the nations economy as the government was quick to prepare incase a disaster occur, they sent various aid to the affected region of the empire and started quickly rebuilding all damages inflicted by the invasion.

Casualties were very low thanks to the empire's quick evacuation of all it's citizens near the coastline, with no deaths and most are only injured due to the hasty evacuation, luckily enough there is no one that got fatally wounded.

Thanks to Azure Aegis contribution of assisting in the first invasion they would receive high praise by the empire for saving the lives of many and an increase budget that would help increase their progress in the long run.

The war would last for over 500 years as Siberia would fight a grueling campaign beneath the ocean, Azure Aegis would be widely known at this era and gained a large amount of resource and support from the entire government.

As various citizens who were recruited specifically through several special tests, once they passed would be trained before being deployed to fight in the ocean against various types of Seaborns threat.

Coastal cities would find itself having a much larger military presence compared to their land counterparts, naval patrols would be far more stricter which would cause any kind of piracy and illegal shipping to plummet by 478%.

The navy would undergo a massive reform to better combat the seaborn threat, that later would give the empire's needed power to protect it's shipping routes and oceanic territory.

It would be considered a golden age for the navy as various breakthrough are made during the [Half-Millenium War], warships of all type would be much more advance, stronger, agile, and less expensive to be built.

Multiple naval officers become famous during the war with their  accomplishments being remembered by several future generations.

Submarines and many other submersible ships would play a huge role as they act as main naval unit to be used in large scale offensive operations.

And underwater mobile carriers built for Azure Aegis to use in carrying multiple operation by their specially trained super soldiers and newly made miniaturized aquatic battle-drones.

Who's appearance varies, depending on their roles, this roles would come in 4 types which are Striker, Guardian, Vanguard, Bishop.

Striker class are known for their ability to be swift and agile, good for scouting, guerilla warfare, and ambushing in large numbers, the only downside to this type of unit is their easy for strong and highly durable enemies.

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