Chapter 3

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A/N: as you all continue reading the story, their might be something that will confuse a few or many of you that reads, firstly this an alternate reality to the arknights game as you all might know.

There will be changes such as the size of the planet and it's landmass, characters, events, and history of the world entirely, And a crossover with other franchise will also appear in the later chapters.

This is just to inform you all, to clear any confusion as you read the later parts of the story as this doesn't entirely follow the Canon storyline, anyway that's all for now I hope you all enjoy the story.

(3rd POV)

"I have to admit, the people that worship you are quite fascinating, Lord Ansalohn." Yuèhai says as she along with Ansalohn was sitting in a Cafe, on some random city in the Eastern part of the kingdom.

After running around across various parts of Siberia, learning many of their fascinating and exotic culture and history, Yuèhai could say that they are not that behind from Yan in terms of both.

Only difference is age, Yan is over 2000 years older than Siberia but do lack behind in many areas that Yan hasn't progress yet.

She made a not to try and coerce her other gods to atleast put some change to Yan if they are to remain strong and be ahead of the other God and the nations they rule.

"Well what can I say they are quite special." Ansalohsn say with a pleasant that Yuèhai nodded back with a pleasant smile of her own as she sips a tea that she ordered.

And she had to admit they are good at making tea of different flavors, which is very impressive and made her fascinated about the near six hundred year old kingdom.

"They are indeed quite special, especially with this 5 elements that they inherit." Yuèhai admitted as she had never been more surprise to see mortals using a different array of magic in her life.

Arts she was familiar with it but the five elements that Siberia uses is beyond what she had ever seen, it was quite exotic and fascinating.

Especially how it cure oripathy, it was a disease that mortals had long been desperately trying to cure, where the rest of the world failed to cure, Siberia manage to do the impossible in mortal terms, she had to admit that Originium based users won't really survive near an arcane user as Siberia would like to call it.

They are going to bring a lot of surprise to many once their isolation is over, and may pity whoever is unfortunate to earn their ire in the future.

Speaking of the nation, it was fascinating far advance than anything she had seen, Yan might be powerful but compared to Siberia who still continue to call themselves a kingdom rather than an empire.

Was far advance in terms of everything, this does cause her to worry if a war broke out between Yan and Siberia in the future, it cause her to shudder on the fact that they may possibly fight a demi-god like civilization.

Powerful gods they may be, they still have their own limits, and she shudders what the Siberian Elder God infront of her could do, if some of them manage to anger him.

Lone gods that are worship by a single nation isn't something a group of gods like that of Yan could afford to anger, it is widely known throughout the world that there are few lone gods that are incredibly powerful and are dubbed as Elder Gods for a reason.

Even if their influence is small, their power is something not to be underestimated, as some young gods had learn after provoking one and they did not met a good end in the hands of said Elder God.

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